Matsumoto Kojirô I

The actor Matsumoto Kojirô I held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1773 to the first half of the 1790s.

Matsumoto Kojirô I performing in the kaomise drama "Shitennô Tonoi no Kisewata", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1781 at the Nakamuraza

Matsumoto Kojirô II

The actor Matsumoto Kojirô II held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1794 to the 1st lunar month of 1826.

The actors Ichikawa Benzô III (middle), Matsumoto Kojirô II (center) and Onoe Eizaburô I (right) playing the roles of the waiting maid Yorio, the waiting maid Takekawa and the zatô Oto no Ichi in the drama "Okuni Gozen Keshô no Sugatami", which was staged in the 6th lunar month of 1809 at the Moritaza

Matsumoto Kojirô III
Matsumoto Kojirô III  In Japanese | In Japanese Ichikawa Komatarô  In Japanese | Ichikawa Tôen  In Japanese | Ichikawa Somezô  In Japanese | Ichikawa Somemaru  In Japanese

Born in Tôkyô in the district of Nezu in 1883. He was the son of the Kiyomoto musician Kiyomoto Saibê IV. He became a disciple of the actor Matsumoto Kôshirô VII, received the name of Ichikawa Somemaru and made his debut on stage in November 1894. He took the name of Ichikawa Somezô in March 1897. He took the name of Ichikawa Tôen in April 1908 but held it only for a few weeks as he became Ichikawa Komatarô in May 1908. He finally became nadai and took the name of Matsumoto Kojirô III in March 1912. He died the 14th of October 1935. His yagô was Kôraiya. He was a supporting actor in ôshibai but an important tachiyaku in koshibai venues like the Kanda Gekijô. In koshibai, he excelled in roles like Sasaki Takatsuna ("Kinugawa-mura Kankyo") or Kumagai Naozane ("Kumagai Jin'ya").

Matsumoto Kojirô III and Onoe Kôzô II playing the roles of Kuroda Nagamasa and Fukushima Masanori in the drama "Seki-ga-Hara", which was staged in October 1919 at the Imperial Theater

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