The kaomise drama "Hinagata Shuten Dôji" was produced by Ichimura Takenojô IV
at the Ichimuraza in Edo in the 11th lunar month of 1723 [1].
It celebrated the arrival in Edo of the Kamigata actor Ogino Izaburô I.
It was staged with the following casting:
The stars [2] of this kaomise program were:
Others actors were Hayakawa Denshirô, Nanboku Magotarô II, Murakami Zenzaemon, Hashimoto Daijirô, Takenaka Kikunojô and Nakagawa Kinzô.
[1] "I worked on this kaomise page in October 2023, almost 300 years afterwards!" (Shôriya Aragorô)
[2] Our definition of star is a ranking equal or above jô-jô-kichi.