Play title | Kanadehon Chûshingura ![]() |
Common title | Rikiya Jôshi ![]() |
Authors | Takeda Izumo II Miyoshi Shôraku Namiki Senryû I |
History |
The play "Kanadehon Chûshingura" was originally written for the puppet theater (Bunraku) and staged for the first time in the 8th lunar month of 1748 in Ôsaka at the Takemotoza. It was adapted for Kabuki the same year and staged for the first time in the 12th lunar month of 1748 in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai [casting]. The "Nidanme" act (2nd act) was performed with the actors Kataoka Nizaemon IV and Yamamoto Koheiji in the roles of Kakogawa Honzô and Momonoi Wakasanosuke. |
Structure |
The "Nidanme" act, the second act of "Kanadehon Chûshingura", is made up of 2 scenes commonly called "Rikiya Jôshi" (literally "the Emissary Rikiya") and "Matsukiri" (literally "the Cutting of the Pine Branch"). This act is most of the times omitted for a tôshi kyôgen production of this drama. |
Key words | Gidayû Kyôgen Adauchi Jidaimono Seppuku |
Summary |
Previous scene: "Kabuto Aratame" Act II, Scene 1: Rikiya Jôshi Act two opens on the grounds of Wakasanosuke's estate, which is alive with gossip about the unknown details of Moronô's treatment of Wakasanosuke the previous day. Honzô enters and dismisses two such gossiping servants, admonishing them for chatter that could bring shame on the household. Tonase and Konami approach and inform Honzô that Wakasanosuke's wife, too, has somehow heard the rumors of yesterday's conflict and is deeply concerned over what it might mean. Honzô chides them for not putting her ladyship at ease and parries their question by saying that women and children always make too much of such a situation. As Honzô takes his leave, Rikiya enters with an official message for lord of the house from En'ya. Although Tonase is specifically instructed to receive him with all due formality and relay the contents of the message, she passes the duty to Konami, aware of her daughters desire to spend time with her future husband. But, as the virginal Konami is capable of naught but blushing, Tonase is forced to fake a bout of chronic back pain in an effort to force the young couple together. Although the two love each other deeply, Rikiya, an upright youth of seventeen worthy of the name Ôboshi, makes every attempt to avoid improper behavior while he is serving in an official capacity, despite Konami's coquettish behavior. Wakasanosuke enters just as Rikiya ceremoniously conveys his message: Both En'ya and Wakasanosuke must be at Tadayoshi's palace by four the next morning. Next scene: "Matsukiri" |
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The actors Sawamura Tosshô II (bottom/left) and Sawamura Tanosuke III (top/right) playing the roles of Konami and Ôboshi Rikiya in the "Rikiya Jôshi" scene of second act of the drama "Kanadehon Chûshingura", which was staged in the 3rd lunar month of 1862 at the Nakamuraza (print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III) |
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