Dance title Awa Mochi
Hana no Hoka Niwaka no Kyokuzuki  In Japanese
Chigiru Koi Haru no Awa Mochi  In Japanese
Authors Sakurada Jisuke III (lyrics)
Kishizawa Shikisa V (music)

The Tokiwazu-based dance "Awa Mochi" was premiered in the 1st lunar month of 1845 at the Nakamuraza, under the title "Hana no Hoka Niwaka no Kyokuzuki", and was part of the new year program "Tama Tsubaki Genpei Soga". The roles of the awa mochi makers were played by Nakamura Utaemon IV and Ichikawa Kuzô II. A new version of the dance, which was nicknamed "Shin Awa Mochi" (the new "Awa Mochi") and entitled "Chigiru Koi Haru no Awa Mochi", was staged in the 2nd lunar month of 1861 at the Ichimuraza. The roles of the awa mochi makers were played by Ichimura Uzaemon XIII and Nakamura Shikan IV.

Key words Shosagoto
Awa Mochi

Awa mochi is a type of rice cake that was popular during the Edo period and is still made today. This is a traditional dance in which the awa mochi vendors take turns pounding rice cakes as they perform various acts.

Source: Nihon Buyô

The actors Ichimura Uzaemon XIII and Nakamura Shikan IV playing the roles of the awa mochi makers in the dance-drama "Chigiru Koi Haru no Awa Mochi" ("Shin Awa Mochi"), which was staged in the 2nd lunar month of 1861 at the Ichimuraza (print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III)

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