The new year sogamono drama "Soga Yawaragi Soga" was produced by Ichimura Uzaemon IX
and was staged in the 1st lunar month of 1767 in Edo at the Ichimuraza. It was staged with the following casting:
Bandô Aizô also played the role of the courtesan Kewaizaka no Shôshô (Gorô's lover).
This new year drama mixed several sekai with the Soga Brothers story:
In the final scene of this drama, Ichimura Uzaemon IX and Ichikawa Danzô III played the role of the deity Fudô.
Segawa Kikunojô II played the role of the goddess Benzaiten.
The opening day was the 15th day of the 1st lunar month of the 4th year of the Meiwa era (1767),
which was the 13th of February 1767 in the western calendar.