Stage names:

Yamashita Mansaku In Japanese
Yamashita Mangiku II In Japanese
Yamashita Sengiku In Japanese
Onogawa Miyamatsu In Japanese
Yamashita Kinjirô In Japanese

Guilds: Tennôjiya, Hishiya [1]

Poetry names: Risui, Riyô, Roshû

Existence: ??? ~ 23rd day of the 7th lunar month of 1816 [2]


Adoptive father: Yamashita Kinsaku II

Master: Onogawa Ben'ya


1780s: date of birth unknown. Disciple of Yamashita Kinsaku II, his first stage name was Yamashita Kinjirô. He was adopted by Onogawa Ben'ya and received the name of Onogawa Miyamatsu at the end of the first half of the 1780s. Then, he was adopted by Yamashita Kinsaku II and he became Yamashita Sengiku at the beginning of the 1790s.

1st lunar month of 1792: he settled in Edo and received the name of Yamashita Mangiku II at the Nakamuraza.

1st lunar month of 1793: Mangiku played at the Nakamuraza the role of Ôiso no Tora in the new year sogamono drama "Saikai Soga Nakamura", which celebrated the shûmei of Nakamura Denkurô IV.

11th lunar month of 1801: Yamashita Mangiku II took the name of Yamashita Mansaku in Edo at the Nakamuraza, where he played the roles of Masako Gozen and Ise no Saburô's nyôbô Tamura in the kaomise drama "Date Dôgutsui no Ôtori", which also celebrated the shûmei of Bandô Hikozaemon I.

11th lunar month of 1803: Mansaku performed at the Kawarasakiza in the kaomise drama "Yamato Nishiki Yoshino Dairi".

11th lunar month of 1804: Mansaku performed at the Ichimuraza in the kaomise drama "Mishi Tamadare Yuki no Furusato", which celebrated the shûmei of Suketakaya Takasuke II, Ichikawa Takinosuke and Kiriyama Monji III.

11th lunar month of 1805: Mansaku performed at the Ichimuraza in the kaomise drama "Keisei Yoshino no Kane".

11th lunar month of 1808: Mansaku performed at the Ichimuraza in the kaomise drama "Irosoyuru Nidai Genji", which welcomed in Edo the Kamigata actor Sawamura Tanosuke II and celebrated the shûmei of Nakamura Rikô II.

11th lunar month of 1812: Mansaku played at the Moritaza the role of the nakai Otomi in the kaomise drama "Yukimo Yoshino Kigoto no Kaomise".

11th lunar month of 1813: premiere at the Ichimuraza of Tsuruya Nanboku IV's kaomise drama "Modoribashi Sena-ni Gohiiki"; Mansaku played the role of Minamoto Nakamitsu's sister Sekiya [more details].

29th day of the 11th lunar month of 1813 [3]: a fire broke out in Edo in the district of Takasago-chô and destroyed both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza. The troupe at the Ichimuraza went to the Moritaza and both troupes performed in a new kaomise drama entitled "Modoribashi Mata no Kaomise", which mixed acts from "Gohiiki Tsunagi Uma" and from "Modoribashi Sena-ni Gohiiki".

1st lunar month of 1814: Mansaku's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, wakaonnagata section, was jô-jô-(shiro)hankichi (superior - superior - (white) half excellent) [visual]. No stage record afterwards

11th lunar month of 1814: Mansaku performed at the Moritaza in the kaomise drama "Fuyu Botan Yuki no Jinmaku".

23rd day of the 7th lunar month of 1816 [2]: Mansaku died in Edo.


Yamashita Mansaku was an onnagata actor, who was born and trained in Kamigata and who definitively settled in Edo at the beginning of the 1790s. He was active from the 1780s to the second half of the 1810s.

[1] Hishiya was his yagô when he belonged to the Onogawa clan.

[2] The 23rd day of the 7th lunar month of the 13th year of the Bunka era was the 16th of August 1816 in the western calendar.

[3] The 29th day of the 11th lunar lunar month of the 10th year of the Bunka era was the 21st of December 1813 in the western calendar.

Ôtani Oniji IV, Yamashita Mansaku and Ichikawa Yaozô III playing the roles of Washinoo no Saburô, Ise no Saburô's nyôbô Tamura and Ise no Saburô in the kaomise drama "Date Dôgutsui no Ôtori", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1801 at the Nakamuraza

The Yamashita Mangiku line of actors

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