Stage names:

Katsuyama Matagorô In Japanese
Bandô Matagorô In Japanese
Katsuyama Matagorô In Japanese
Katsuyama Minato In Japanese
Katsuyama Minato In Japanese
Katsuyama Minato I In Japanese

Existence: ???


Master: Bandô Matatarô I

Disciple: Katsuyama Minato II [1]


1689: coming from Kamigata and named Katsuyama Minato, he settled in Edo to perform as a wakaonnagata.

1st lunar month of 1693: recorded as a wakaonnagata performing in Edo in the the book "Kokon Shibai Irokurabe Hyakunin Isshu".

11th lunar month of 1695: Minato performed at the Moritaza in the drama "Miura Asahina Gansekiwari".

11th lunar month of 1696: he became tachiyaku and, with the patronage of Bandô Matatarô I, took the name of Katsuyama Matagorô at the Moritaza, where he played the role of Minamoto no Yorimitsu in the kaomise drama "Shitennô Yome Kagami".

1699: he went to Ôsaka.

1st lunar month of 1700: he took the name of Bandô Matagorô and performed in Ôsaka in the new year drama "Onna Chôteki Sangoku Denraiki", which was produced by Araki Yojibê I; his stage partners were Sodesaki Karyû, Asao Jûjirô I, Sugiyama Heihachi, Murayama Heijûrô I and Sugiyama Kantarô.

1st lunar month of 1701: he went back to Edo, took back the name of Katsuyama Matagorô and played the role of Hanamura Takiguchi in the new year drama "Jitô Tennô Miyako Utsushi".

3rd lunar month of 1702: Matagorô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, tachiyaku section, was (superior) [visual].

11th lunar month of 1706: Matagorô played at the Moritaza the role of Kiso Yoshinaga in the kaomise drama "Keisei Azuma Kagami"; his stage partners were Ichikawa Danzô I, Miyazaki Denkichi, Miyazaki Jûshirô I, Tamon Shôzaemon II, Matsumoto Kantarô, Takii Hannosuke, Tomizawa Chiyonosuke and Kumamoto Izaemon.

11th lunar month of 1707: Matagorô performed at the Moritaza in the kaomise drama "Kankatsu Kayoi Komachi".

3rd lunar month of 1709: Matagorô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, tachiyaku section, was jô-(shiro)jô (superior - (white) superior) [visual].

11th lunar month of 1709: Matagorô performed at the Nakamuraza in the kaomise drama "Imagawajô Ryôshun Katoku".

1st lunar month of 1710: Matagorô played in the same theater the role of Soga Jûrô Sukenari in the new year sogamono drama "Senrei Homare Soga" [3]; the role of Soga Gorô Tokimune was played by Nakajima Kanzaemon I.

3rd lunar month of 1710: Matagorô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, tachiyaku section, was (superior) [visual].

11th lunar month of 1710: Matagorô performed at the Nakamuraza in the kaomise drama "Shinsen Kazanin".

3rd lunar month of 1711: Matagorô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, tachiyaku section, was jô-(shiro)jô (superior - (white) superior) [visual]. He shared the same rank with Takii Hanshirô.

11th lunar month of 1711: Matagorô played at the Nakamuraza the role of Yukienosuke Tokikichi in the kaomise drama "Mitsu Uroko Katoku Biraki" [print made by Torii Kiyonobu].

3rd lunar month of 1712: Matagorô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, tachiyaku section, was jô-jô (superior - superior) [visual].

11th lunar month of 1713: Matagorô performed at the Moritaza in the kaomise drama "Yorimasa Taikyoku no Mato"; his stage partners were Nakajima Kanzaemon I, Murayama Heiemon III, Hamazaki Isogorô, Kuwabara Sanzaemon, Iwai Sagenta I, Nakajima Kanroku I, Sodesaki Nuinosuke, Fujita Hananojô, Ônishi Moriemon, Saigoku Hyôsaburô, Tsutsui Utanosuke, Uemura Kohachirô and Nakamura Kichibê I.

11th lunar month of 1715: Matagorô played at the Moritaza the role of Hosokawa Katsumoto in Mitsushima Shichirôzaemon's drama "Hayazaki Onna Shimabara".

1st lunar month of 1716: Matagorô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, tachiyaku section, was jô-jô-hankichi (superior - superior - half excellent) [visual] in one hyôbanki and jô-jô-(shiro)kichi (superior - superior - (white) excellent) [visual] in another hyôbanki.

2nd lunar month of 1716: Matagorô played in the same theater the role of Jûrô's retainer Oniô Shinzaemon, later Soga Jûrô Sukenari, in the new year sogamono drama "Wakayagi Shiai Soga"; his stage partners were Sengoku Hikosuke I (Wada no Yoshimori), Hamazaki Isogorô (Kudô Saemon Suketsune), Ichikawa Danzô I (Gorô's retainer Danzaburô, later Soga Gorô Tokimune), Tomizawa Hanzaburô I (Kobayashi no Asahina), Fujimura Handayû II (Gorô's lover, the courtesan Kewaizaka no Shôshô), Tamazawa Rin'ya (Jûrô's lover, the courtesan Ôiso no Tora), Sodeoka Shôtarô (Kawazu Hakoômaru, later Gorô's retainer Danzaburô), Matsumoto Shirogorô (Matano Gorô) and Ichikawa Montarô (Kawazu Ichimanmaru, later Jûrô's retainer Oniô Shinzaemon).

4th lunar month of 1716: Matagorô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, tachiyaku section, was jô-jô-hankichi (superior - superior - half excellent) [visual].

11th lunar month of 1716: Matagorô performed at the Ichimuraza in the kaomise drama "Yoroi Kurabe Ôshû Gane".

1st lunar month of 1717: Matagorô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, tachiyaku section, was jô-jô-hankichi (superior - superior - half excellent) [visual] in one hyôbanki and jô-jô-(shiro)kichi (superior - superior - (white) excellent) [visual] in another hyôbanki.

2nd lunar month of 1717: Matagorô played in the same theater the role of Soga Jûrô Sukenari in the new year sogamono drama "Keisei Fuji no Takane"; the roles of Soga Gorô Tokimune and Kudô Saemon Suketsune were played by Ichikawa Danzô I and Yamanaka Heikurô I.

4th lunar month of 1717: Matagorô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, tachiyaku section, was jô-jô-(shiro)hankichi (superior - superior - (white) half excellent) [visual].

11th lunar month of 1717: Matagorô played at the Nakamuraza the role of Yukienojô in the kaomise drama "Hachinoki Hônen Mitsugimono".

1st lunar month of 1718: Matagorô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, tachiyaku section, was jô-jô-(shiro)hankichi (superior - superior - (white) half excellent) [visual] in one hyôbanki and jô-jô-(shiro)kichi (superior - superior - (white) excellent) [visual] in another hyôbanki.

11th lunar month of 1718: Matagorô performed at the Nakamuraza in the kaomise program "Hirakana Yomeiri Izu Nikki", which welcomed in Edo the Kamigata actor Sanogawa Mangiku.

1st lunar month of 1719: Matagorô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, tachiyaku section, was jô-jô-(shiro)kichi (superior - superior - (white) excellent) [visual]. Matagorô played in the same theater the role of Soga Jûrô Sukenari in the new year sogamono drama "Kaibyaku Sakayaki Soga", commonly called "Ninin Kudô" ("The Two Kudô"). The two Kudô Saemon Suketsune were played by Yamanaka Heikurô I and Hayakawa Dengorô. The role of Soga Gorô Tokimune was played by Ichikawa Danjûrô II.

11th lunar month of 1719: Matagorô performed at the Ichimuraza in the kaomise drama "Tategami Teika Kazura", which celebrated the shûmei of Tsuruya Nanboku I and Nanboku Magotarô II.

1st lunar month of 1720: Matagorô played in the same theater the role of Soga Jûrô Sukenari in the new year sogamono drama "Kamanari Nigiwai Soga"; the roles of Soga Gorô Tokimune and Kudô Saemon Suketsune were played by Ichikawa Danzô I and Yamanaka Heikurô I.

11th lunar month of 1720: Matagorô played at the Nakamuraza the role of Hachiman Tarô Yoshiie in the kaomise drama "Michinoku Taiheiki".

1st lunar month of 1721: Matagorô played in the same theater the role of Soga Jûrô Sukenari in the new year sogamono drama "Kichijô Ôtaka Soga"; the roles of Soga Gorô Tokimune and Kudô Saemon Suketsune were played by Ichikawa Danzô I and Tomizawa Hanzaburô I.

11th lunar month of 1721: Matagorô performed at the Moritaza in the kaomise drama "Semimaru Yôrô no Taki", which celebrated the shûmei of Suzuki Heizaemon III.

1st lunar month of 1722: Matagorô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, tachiyaku section, fell to jô-jô-(shiro)hankichi (superior - superior - (white) half excellent) [visual].

1st/3rd lunar months of 1723: no record in any Edo hyôbanki [2].

11th lunar month of 1723: Matagorô played at the Moritaza the role of Ôe no Minbu in the kaomise drama "Yorimasa Kaikeizan".

1st lunar month of 1724: Matagorô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, tachiyaku section, fell to jô-jô (superior - superior) [visual].

1725 ~ 1733: no record in any Edo hyôbanki [2].

11th lunar month of 1733: Matagorô performed as an oyajigata at the Ichimuraza in the kaomise drama "Shôhon Taiheiki".

1st lunar month of 1734: Matagorô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, oyajigata section, was jô-jô (superior - superior) [visual].

11th lunar month of 1734: Matagorô performed as an oyajigata at the Ichimuraza in the kaomise drama "Michinoku Yunzei Genji".

1st lunar month of 1735: Matagorô's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, oyajigata section, was jô-jô (superior - superior) [visual]. No record afterwards.


Katsuyama Matagorô was a Genroku/Kyôhô actor who made a long career from the end of the 1680s to the middle of the 1730s. Born and trained as a wakaonnagata in Kamigata, he became a popular tachiyaku actor in Edo and achieved fame for himself between the second half of the 1710s and the beginning of the 1720s. One of his best roles was Soga Jûrô Sukenari in the new year sogamono drama. His popularity declined along with his age and he stopped appearing on Edo stages for 9 seasons. He was back on stage as an oyajigata for two seasons between 1733 and 1735.

[1] Katsuyama Minato II was recorded as performing as a wakaonnagata actor in Edo at the Yamamuraza in 1702 and 1703.

[2] Was he on tour in tabi shibai or miyaji shibai? Was he sick? Was he retired?

[3] This new year drama was staged to commemorate the 2nd anniversary (3rd memorial service) of the passing away of Nakamura Shichisaburô I.

Iwai Sagenta I (top) and Katsuyama Matagorô (bottom) in a print made by Torii Kiyonobu I

Prints & Illustrations

Print made by Torii Kiyonobu in 1711

Print made by Torii Kiyomasu I

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