2 shows in Tôkyô (Kabukiza), 2 in Ôsaka (Shôchikuza) and 1 in Fukuoka (Hakataza)!

  • Living National Treasure Bandô Tamasaburô, Living National Treasure Nakamura Baigyoku, Living National Treasure Nakamura Karoku, Nakamura Kankurô, Nakamura Shichinosuke, Onoe Kikunosuke, Nakamura Jakuemon, Nakamura Manju, Nakamura Shikan, Nakamura Kinnosuke, Onoe Shôroku, Nakamura Kaishun, Nakamura Fukusuke, Bandô Hikosaburô, Nakamura Matagorô, Nakamura Hayato, Bandô Minosuke, Nakamura Kotarô & Nakamura Yonekichi perform at the Kabukiza !
  • Nakamura Ganjirô, Nakamura Senjaku, Kataoka Ainosuke, Nakamura Shidô, Ichikawa Chûsha, Nakamura Kazutarô, Nakamura Toranosuke & Ichikawa Danko perform at the Shôchikuza!
  • Matsumoto Kôshirô and Ichikawa Somegorô perform at the Hakataza!
  • Kabukiza (Tôkyô)
    Dates 2 ~ 25 February 2025
    Saruwakasai Nigatsu Ôkabuki
    Saruwaka Festival February Grand Kabuki


    Daigo no Hanami

    Kirara Ukiyoden


    Dan no Ura Kabuto Gunki (Akoya)

    Ejima Ikushima
    The dance-drama, not the Shinkabuki drama "Ejima Ikushima"

    Ninjô Banashi Bunshichi Mottoi


    Living National Treasure Bandô Tamasaburô, Living National Treasure Nakamura Baigyoku, Living National Treasure Nakamura Karoku, Nakamura Kankurô, Nakamura Shichinosuke, Onoe Kikunosuke, Nakamura Jakuemon, Nakamura Manju, Nakamura Shikan, Nakamura Kinnosuke, Onoe Shôroku, Nakamura Kaishun, Nakamura Fukusuke, Bandô Hikosaburô, Nakamura Matagorô, Nakamura Hayato, Bandô Minosuke, Nakamura Kotarô, Nakamura Yonekichi, Kataoka Ichizô, Ichimura Manjirô, Bandô Kamezô, Nakamura Kashô, Nakamura Mantarô, Nakamura Tanenosuke, Nakamura Matsue, Nakamura Tsurumatsu, Nakamura Hashinosuke, Nakamura Fukunosuke, Nakamura Utanosuke, Onoe Sakon, Arashi Kitsusaburô, Nakamura Kamenojô, Ichimura Kitsutarô, Nakamura Kantarô, Nakamura Hidenosuke


    The Saruwaka Festival February Grand Kabuki at the Kabukiza. This festival was first held in 2024 to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Saruwakaza Theatre (later, the Nakamuraza) by Saruwaka (Nakamura) Kanzaburô I and the staging of the first Kabuki performance in Edo.

  • Sayaate: This famous act is set in the main avenue of the Yoshiwara Pleasure Quarters where cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Two men appear: Fuwa Banzaemon (Bandô Minosuke) in a haori coat patterned with a design of lightning bolts, and Nagoya Sanza (Nakamura Hayato), dressed in a short-sleeved kimono and a haori coat with a pattern of swallows in the rain. After their scabbards brush against each other as they pass, they begin arguing and draw their swords, but the proprietress of a teahouse (Nakamura Kotarô) mediates between them.
  • Daigo no Hanami:
    (Blossom-viewing in Daigo)
    This is a dance portraying the famous blossom-viewing party held by the warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi in the 3rd lunar month of 1598 in the garden of the Daigoji Temple in Kyôto. It was a grand banquet to which Hideyoshi's family, many daimyô lords, their wives and retainers were invited. Featuring Living National Treasure Nakamura Baigyoku (Toyotomi Hideyoshi), Nakamura Jakuemon (Matsu, Toshiie’s lawful wife), Nakamura Fukusuke (Yodo-dono), Bandô Hikosaburô (Katô Kiyomasa), Nakamura Matagorô (Maeda Toshiie) and Nakamura Kaishun (Kita no Mando).
  • Kirara Ukiyoden: in an era of peace and prosperity, Edo is flourishing with vibrant culture and lively energy. Born in a corner of the glamorous Yoshiwara pleasure district, Tsutaya Jûzaburô (Nakamura Kankurô) runs a small lending library while harboring grand dreams. Perceptive to the desires of the people, he quickly identifies and nurtures the talents of young artists with unique personalities, leading his business, Kôshodô, to rapid success and smooth sailing. However, the atmosphere in Edo changes dramatically with the Kansei Reforms, which emphasize frugality and austerity. As a result, Tsutaya faces the severe punishment of having half his assets confiscated. Trapped in a seemingly endless darkness with no way out, Tsutaya’s passionate determination drives him to keep fighting. Entangled in his struggle are figures such as Oshino (Nakamura Shichinosuke), a popular courtesan from Yoshiwara. Finally, Tsutaya takes a bold, life-changing step to turn his fate around. Featuring also Nakamura Shikan, Living National Treasure Nakamura Karoku, Nakamura Kinnosuke, Nakamura Hayato & Nakamura Hashinosuke in the roles of Koikawa Harumachi, Ôta Nanpo, Hajikano Nobuoki, Kitagawa Utamaro & Santô Kyôden.
  • Akoya: the courtesan Akoya is the wife of the fugitive general Kagekiyo and has been captured and will be tortured until she reveals his whereabouts. But she claims not to know. The wise Shigetada (Onoe Kikunosuke) puts Akoya to a test, all the time hindered by his companion, the humorous villain Iwanaga (Nakamura Tanenosuke). Shigetada forces Akoya to play several instruments since the slightest disturbance in the sound would indicate that she is lying. A showpiece for an onnagata who must actually play the koto, the bowed kokyû and the shamisen flawlessly as part of the drama. Starring Living National Treasure Bandô Tamasaburô as Akoya.
  • Ejima Ikushima: this is a dance first performed in 1913. It is based on the Ejima-Ikushima Incident of 1714 [more details about this affair]. Scene 1 depicts Ikushima’s dream, where the extravagant love of the beautiful Ejima (Nakamura Shichinosuke) and Ikushima Shingorô (Onoe Kikunosuke) on a boat is shown in a fantastic manner. The highlight in Scene 2 is Ikushima kudoki (‘lament’) in which, awoken on Hachijôjima Island, his place of exile, from his dream, he looks back on his best days. Please enjoy this moving dance drama filled with lyricism.
  • Bunshichi Mottoi: Chôbê spends his days and nights gambling, but is finally made aware of his family's problems when his daughter takes a job in the pleasure quarters. Having received the money for her contract, he shows his good side to save a young man on the edge of suicide after losing a large sum of money, but nobody believes Chôbê, thinking that he has gambled the money away. The performance stars Nakamura Kankurô, Nakamura Shichinosuke and Nakamura Tsurumatsu in the roles of Chôbê, Chôbê's wife Okane and Bunshichi. Featuring also Nakamura Shikan, Nakamura Manju and Onoe Shôroku.
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Shôchikuza (Ôsaka)
    Dates 1 ~ 16 February 2025
    Risshun Kabuki Tokubetsu Kôen
    First Day of Spring Special Kabuki Performances

    Honchô Nijûshikô (Jusshukô)

    Koi Bikyaku Yamato Ôrai (Fûin Giri)

    Kôsuke Mochi


    Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura

  • Ôuchi
  • Kawagoe Jôshi
  • Heisoto
  • Michiyuki Hatsune no Tabi
  • Kawatsura Hôgen Yakata
  • Okuniwa
  • Casting

    Nakamura Ganjirô, Nakamura Senjaku, Kataoka Ainosuke, Nakamura Shidô, Ichikawa Chûsha, Nakamura Kazutarô, Nakamura Toranosuke, Ichikawa Danko, Kamimura Kichiya, Ichikawa Emisaburô, Ichikawa Emiya, Nakamura Kikaku, Ichikawa Seiko, Sawamura Kiyoshirô, Nakamura Jûjirô


    Special Kabuki performances in Ôsaka at the Shôchikuza.

  • Jusshukô: Princess Yaegaki is mourning the death of his fiance Katsuyori, but as she burns incense in his memory, she notices the resemblance between the new gardener and her fiance's portrait. The gardener is in fact Katsuyori, who has entered the household of Yaegaki's father to regain the possession of a stolen family treasure, a famous helmet, with the help of Nureginu, a woman who also mourns for the man that died in the place of the real Katsuyori. Unfortunately, Yaegaki's father has also seen through the disguise and plans to kill Katsuyori. The role of Princess Yaegaki, one of the most important onnagata roles, is played by Nakamura Senjaku, supported by Nakamura Toranosuke, Nakamura Kazutarô and Nakamura Ganjirô in the roles of Katsuyori, Nureginu and Nagao Kenshin.
  • Fûin Giri:
    (Breaking the Seals)
    In the pleasure quarters, the most important possessions were money and reputation. In danger of losing his lover, the courtesan Umegawa, the money courier Kameya Chûbê breaks the seals on a package of money entrusted to him after being taunted by a rival, even though the use of such money is punishable by death. Starring Nakamura Shidô as Chûbê, Nakamura Kazutarô as Umegawa, Kataoka Ainosuke as Chûbê's treacherous friend Tanbaya Hachiemon, Ichikawa Chûsha as as Tsuchiya Jiemon and Nakamura Senjaku as Oen, the proprietress of the teahouse.
  • Kôsuke Mochi: based on a classic of Kansai-style rakugo comic storytelling, this was a famous part of the Ôsaka comedian Fujiyama Kanbi's repertory. The play focuses on Daikokuya Kôsuke (Nakamura Ganjirô), the proprietor of a rice cake shop who is forced to sell his wife Okimi (Ichikawa Seiko) into prostitution for the money and then the complications when he encounters a famous sumô wrestler (Ichikawa Chûsha).
  • Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura:
    (Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry Trees)
    This play was first performed in the Bunraku puppet theatre and is an epic story about the famous 12th century general Yoshitsune. After the end of the war between the Genji and Heike clans, the Genji clan was victorious, making its leader Yoritomo the ruler. But even though his brother Yoshitsune’s brilliant strategies were responsible for the victory, Yoritomo came to suspect Yoshitsune of treason and made him a fugitive. Although Yoshitsune is the title character, the main characters of the play are actually different and this month features the acts of the play about the magical fox Tadanobu.
  • Ôuchi/Kawagoe Jôshi/Heisoto: Yoshitsune (Nakamura Senjaku) has subjugated the rival Heike clan, but his elder half-brother Yoritomo, leader of Genji forces, suspects him of rebellion. Tomokata (Nakamura Kikaku) hands him a precious shoulder drum, implying that he should attack Yoritomo. He receives the drum but does not strike it, so as not to turn against Yoritomo. As Yoritomo's envoy, Shigetada (Ichikawa Chûsha) asks him why he took Kyô-no-Kimi (Ichikawa Danko), a daughter of a Heike warrior, as his wife. Overhearing this, she commits suicide to prove his innocence. Yoshitsune flees from the capital with only a few warriors. Benkei (Nakamura Shidô), who has been fighting against Yoritomo's troops, also follows him.
  • Michiyuki Hatsune no Tabi: Hearing the rumor that Yoshitsune is taking refuge on Mt. Yoshino, Shizuka (Nakamura Kazutarô) and Tadanobu (Kataoka Ainosuke) travel to Mt. Yoshino where the cherry trees are in full bloom. Whenever Shizuka loses sight of Tadanobu and strikes the shoulder drum which she received as a keepsake from Yoshitsune, Tadanobu mysteriously appears. To comfort Shizuka, they place Yoshitsune's armor and shoulder drum on a tree stump to represent Yoshitsune's presence. Then, recollecting Tadanobu’s brother who was shot dead with an arrow by Noritsune in the war between the Genji and Heike clans, they both shed tears. Finally, they set out for Kawatsura Hôgen's mansion where Yoshitsune is being sheltered, hoping to be reunited with him. Featuring also Nakamura Ganjirô as Hayami no Tôta.
  • Kawatsura Hôgen Yakata/Okuniwa: The genuine Tadanobu (Kataoka Ainosuke) visits Yoshitsune at Kawatsura Hôgen's mansion. Then Shizuka (Nakamura Kazutarô) and another Tadanobu arrive. This second Tadanobu is actually a fox which took on human form to be close to the precious drum which is made from the skins of his fox parents. Touched by this, Yoshitsune (Nakamura Senjaku) gives him the drum. Overjoyed, with his supernatural powers the fox defeats a group of evil priests who come to capture Yoshitsune, after which he goes back to his den in the wild. Benkei finds out that the true identity of Yokawa no Kakuhan (Nakamura Ganjirô), who commands the evil priests, is the Heike commander Noritsune. Tadanobu tries to avenge his brother’s death, but Yoshitsune stops him, telling him to guard Emperor Antoku.
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Hakataza (Fukuoka)
    Dates 4 ~ 25 February 2025
    Kabuki NEXT

    Oboro no Mori-ni Sumu Oni [In Japanese]


    Matsumoto Kôshirô, Onoe Matsuya, Nakamura Tokizô, Onoe Ukon, Ichikawa Somegorô, Bandô Yajûrô, Kataoka Kamezô, Ichikawa En'ya, Ôtani Hirotarô, Sawamura Sônosuke


    A brand new genre was born in the Kabuki world in 2015: After Kabuki, Shinkabuki, Sûpâ Kabuki, Sûpâ Kabuki II and Roppongi Kabuki (Sci-Fi Kabuki), we got Kabuki NEXT. The first Kabuki NEXT drama was "Aterui", which was written by Nakajima Kazuki for Ichikawa Somegorô VII. It was staged for the first time in August 2002 at the Shinbashi Enbujô, starring Ichikawa Somegorô with a non-Kabuki cast. In 2002, it was not a Kabuki or a Kabuki NEXT production. In 2015, it was revised to become the first Kabuki NEXT drama in Kabuki history, with a full Kabuki cast. It was staged in July 2015 at the Shinbashi Enbujô and in October 2015 at the Shôchikuza. The second Kabuki NEXT drama, "Oboro no Mori-ni Sumu Oni" is also written by Nakajima Kazuki and it is directed by Inoue Hidenori.

  • Oboro no Mori-ni Sumu Oni: we find ourselves in a mysterious forest, where old gods reside. From a towering heap of corpses emerges a man—his name is Rai (Matsumoto Kôshirô/Onoe Matsuya). His eyes gleam with the wild ambition of a beast, and his weapon is his "silver tongue," spinning endless lies in pursuit of his dream to rise to the top. Suddenly, the forest demons known as Oboro appear before Rai, offering him the throne in exchange for his life. With a prophecy and a sword that moves as smoothly as his tongue, Rai sets off toward the capital. What will be the outcome of his insatiable ambition? And what will Rai see at the end of his blood-stained dream? Matsumoto Kôshirô and Onoe Matsuya alternatingly plays the roles of Rai and Sadamitsu. Featuring Bandô Yajûrô (Ichi no Ôkimi), Nakamura Tokizô (Tsuna), Bandô Shingo (Shikibu), Onoe Ukon (Kinta), Kataoka Kamezô (Urabe), Ichikawa Somegorô (Shuten), Ôtani Hirotarô (Shôgen), Ichikawa En'ya (Madare) & Sawamura Sônosuke (Aradôji).
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

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