3 shows in Tôkyô (Kabukiza, Akasaka Act Theater), 1 in Kyôto (Minamiza), 1 in Yamaga (Yachiyoza), 1 in Nagoya (Chûnichi Theatre), 1 in Ôsaka (National Bunraku Theatre), 1 in Kôfu (Kôfu Civic Center) and 2 tours (Western Provinces, Classics Tour)!

  • Living National Treasure Nakamura Kichiemon, Living National Treasure Bandô Tamasaburô, Nakamura Baigyoku, Onoe Kikunosuke, Nakamura Shibajaku, Nakamura Kaishun, Nakamura Kinnosuke, Ichikawa Somegorô and Onoe Shôroku perform at the Kabukiza !
  • Nakamura Shidô, Onoe Matsuya, Ichikawa Tsukinosuke, Ichimura Manjirô, Kawarasaki Gonjûrô, Nakamura Baishi and Nakamura Mantarô perform at the Minamiza !
  • Nakamura Kankurô, Nakamura Shichinosuke, Bandô Yajûrô and Kataoka Kamezô perform at the Akasaka Act Theater!
  • Living National Treasure Sakata Tôjûrô, Nakamura Ganjirô and Nakamura Senjaku are on tour in the Western Provinces !
  • Ichikawa Ebizô is on tour (Classics Tour) and performs at the Yachiyoza!
  • The Zenshinza performs at the National Bunraku Theatre and at the Chûnichi Theatre!
  • Kabukiza (Tôkyô)
    Dates 2 ~ 26 September 2015 (Shûzan Matsuri Kugatsu Ôkabuki)
    Shûzan's Festival September Grand Kabuki

    Futatsu Chôchô Kuruwa Nikki (Shinkiyomizu)


    Hade Kurabe Ise Monogatari


    Meiboku Sendai Hagi

  • Hanamizubashi
  • Goten
  • Yukashita
  • Taiketsu
  • Ninjô
  • Casting

    Living National Treasure Nakamura Kichiemon, Living National Treasure Bandô Tamasaburô, Nakamura Baigyoku, Onoe Kikunosuke, Nakamura Shibajaku, Nakamura Kaishun, Nakamura Kinnosuke, Ichikawa Somegorô, Onoe Shôroku, Ôtani Tomoemon, Nakamura Tôzô, Nakamura Karoku, Nakamura Matagorô, Ichikawa Komazô, Kamimura Kichiya, Matsumoto Kingo, Sawamura Sônosuke, Bandô Kametoshi, Ôtani Keizô, Sawamura Yoshijirô, Nakamura Kamenojô, Arashi Kitsusaburô, Kataoka Matsunosuke, Nakamura Kotarô, Ôtani Hirotarô, Nakamura Yonekichi, Nakamura Hayato, Nakamura Tanenosuke, Matsumoto Kintarô, Nakamura Kichinosuke


    The 8th edition in Tôkyô of a special program called "Shûzan Matsuri" (the festival of Shûzan) is staged at the Kabukiza to commemorate the great actor Nakamura Kichiemon I, whose's haimyô was Shûzan. The star of this program is his adopted son, the Living National Treasure Nakamura Kichiemon II.

  • "Hade Kurabe Ise Monogatari" is staged to commemorate the 1200th anniversary of the birth of Ki no Aritsune.
  • The rarely-staged "Shinkiyomizu" act of "Futatsu Chôchô Kuruwa Nikki" is staged as an independent drama for the first time in Kabuki history !
  • Ôtani Keizô's son Inoue Kimiharu makes his first stage appearance (omemie) in "Hade Kurabe Ise Monogatari".
  • The two highlights are the rarely-staged drama "Hade Kurabe Ise Monogatari" and the classic "Meiboku Sendai Hagi" with Living National Treasure Bandô Tamasaburô and Living National Treasure Nakamura Kichiemon in the roles of Masaoka and Nikki Danjô. "Hade Kurabe Ise Monogatari" was staged only three times since the end of the WWII: in November 1956 and June 1965 at the Kabukiza and in October 2003 at the National Theatre.

  • Shinkiyomizu: Yamazakiya Yogorô (Nakamura Kinnosuke) is staying at the Restaurant Ukamuse and is playing with his familiar courtesan Azuma (Nakamura Shibajaku) and a senior courtesan Miyako (Nakamura Kaishun). However he hears that Hiraoka Gôzaemon (Nakamura Matsue), a samurai from the western Japan infatuated with Azuma, is going to redeem her. Yogorô is irritated to hear this, and falls victim to Gonkurô's scheme. Gonkurô (Kataoka Matsunosuke) is a salesclerk of Yogorô's shop, and is taken with Miyako. Miyako's lover Nan Yohê (Nakamura Baigyoku) who used to be Yogorô's servant comes and rescues him.
  • Momijigari: the general Taira Koremochi (Onoe Shôroku) travels to the mountains to view the autumn leaves when he suddenly encounters a beautiful princess (Ichikawa Somegorô) and her entourage. Aided by the elegant dancing of the princess and a large amount of sake, Koremochi falls asleep, not knowing that she is actually a fierce demon. The god of the mountain (Matsumoto Kintarô) dances vigorously to try to wake up Koremochi. But as the demon appears in its true form, Koremochi is saved by the magical power of his sword. Featuring also Ichikawa Komazô.
  • Hade Kurabe Ise Monogatari: first produced in Ôsaka in 1775, the play is based on the classical Tales of Ise, a story about the handsome noble man who woman never left alone. It combines the courtly romance of him with the story of rivalry between two imperial princes who are contenders for the imperial throne. It is especially famous for the deep and complex drama of the scene at Kasugano where young lovers sacrifice their lives to protect the other couple. Starring Living National Treasure Nakamura Kichiemon (Ki no Aritsune), Ichikawa Somegorô (Mameshirô/Ariwara no Narihira), Onoe Kikunosuke (Aritsune's daughter Shinobu/ Princess Izutsu), Nakamura Tôzô (Shinobu's adopted mother Koyoshi) and Nakamura Matagorô (Nyôhachi).
  • Meiboku Sendai Hagi: this play is about the attempt to take over one of the most famous samurai households in the Edo period, a scandal that caused a sensation in its day.
  • Hanamizubashi: the daimyô Yorikane (Nakamura Baigyoku) has fallen in love with a courtesan and has neglected responsibilities, causing high ranking retainers to plot the takeover of his domain. Returning from the pleasure quarters, he is attacked at Hanamizu Bridge, but is able to escape thanks to the help of a sumô wrestler retainer (Nakamura Matagorô).
  • Take-no-Ma/Goten: Masaoka (Living National Treasure Bandô Tamasaburô), a loyal maidservant, is taking care of the lord's young heir. Afraid he will be poisoned, she refuses to let anyone see him who might try to assassinate him. She even fixes his meal in her quarters using her delicate tea ceremony implements to cook rice. The plotting faction does not give up, though, and sends poison in the form of candy as a present from the Shôgun. Masaoka's son sacrifices his life for the young lord by eating the poisoned candy, and when he is killed, she thinks only of protecting her lord. Her fierce devotion to duty convinces the plotters that she is on their side. Masaoka's actions help save the young lord, and only when she is alone can she grieve for her son. With Nakamura Karoku as the villainous Yashio, a court woman who kills Masaoka’s son.
  • Yukashita: Another faithful retainer Otokonosuke (Onoe Shôroku), stands guard underneath the room, but the evil Nikki Danjô (Living National Treasure Nakamura Kichiemon) appears as a giant rat, but then slips away, walking calmly through the clouds.
  • Taiketsu/Ninjô: the elderly Geki (Nakamura Karoku), a faithful retainer, brings charges against Nikki Danjô (Living National Treasure Nakamura Kichiemon). Danjô cleverly protests his innocence, but his lies are seen through by the wise judge Katsumoto (Ichikawa Somegorô). Condemned to death, Danjô tries to take his revenge on Geki.
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Minamiza (Kyôto)
    Dates 2 ~ 26 September 2015 (Kugatsu Hanagata Kabuki)
    September Young Actors Kabuki

    Arashi no Yoru ni


    Nakamura Shidô, Onoe Matsuya, Ichikawa Tsukinosuke, Ichimura Manjirô, Kawarasaki Gonjûrô, Nakamura Baishi, Nakamura Mantarô, Ichimura Takematsu, Ichimura Kitsutarô


    A newly-created Kabuki drama based on Kimura Yûichi's famous series of illustrated child books "Arashi no Yoru ni" (in English 'One Stormy Night'):

  • Arashi no Yoru ni: it is a series of picture books written by Kimura Yûichi. The first edition was published in 1994. As many people wanted to read a sequel to the story, it lasted to the seventh volume and became a best seller. More than 3,000,000 books have been sold. It became so popular that it has been turned into a game and made into plays. In 2005, it was made into an animated movie (the voice for the main character Gabu was supplied by Nakamura Shidô) by Sugii Gisaburô, an esteemed movie producer in the animation industry. The main character Gabu is played by Nakamura Shidô but also in various genres. On the night of a storm, a wolf Gabu (Nakamura Shidô) and a goat Mei (Onoe Matsuya) encounters in a mountain hut in pitch darkness by chance. They talk through night not knowing their identity and become friends. They determine their password as 'On the night of a storm' and promise to meet again. They are shocked when they meet again, but they nurture friendship keeping it secret to their each group. But their friendship is at last known to both groups and meets with violent opposition. The two are pushed to the edge ...
  • Source: Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Akasaka Act Theater (Tôkyô)
    Dates 7 ~ 25 September 2015 (Akasaka Ôkabuki)
    Akasaka Grand Kabuki

    Ayatsuri Sanbasô

    Osome Hisamatsu Ukina no Yomiuri
    (Osome no Nanayaku)


    Nakamura Kankurô, Nakamura Shichinosuke, Bandô Yajûrô, Kataoka Kamezô, Nakamura Tsurumatsu, Bandô Shingo, Nakamura Kunio


    4th edition of the Akasaka Grand Kabuki, which was started in September 2008 by Nakamura Kanzaburô XVIII, the head of the Nakamuraya guild.

  • Ayatsuri Sanbasô:
    (The Puppet Sanbasô)
    The Sanbasô is part of the ritual play "Okina", a prayer for prosperity and in Kabuki the vigorous Sanbasô dance is often performed separately. To make the dance especially auspicious, the old man Okina and attendant Senzai appear as well. In Kabuki, the Sanbasô dance appears in all kinds of versions. In this particular version, the Sanbasô is actually a giant marionette (Nakamura Kankurô), dancing lightly until his antics tangle his strings, creating problems for his puppeteer (Nakamura Kunio).
  • Osome no Nanayaku:
    (The 7 roles of Osome)
    The story of the love suicide of Osome, the daughter of a wealthy merchant and Hisamatsu, a handsome young man that was an apprentice in her family's shop, is one of the most popular stories in Kabuki and was dramatized countless times. In 1813, Tsuruya Nanboku IV (1755~1829) wrote up this story as a showpiece for Iwai Hanshirô V, an onnagata specialist in female roles. One actor plays seven of the major roles in the play: Osome, Hisamatsu, the poor Osaku, Omitsu (Hisamatsu's official fiance), Hisamatsu's sister Takegawa, the geisha Koito, Osome's mother Teishô and a snake charmer named Oroku. Onnagata young star Nakamura Shichinosuke makes a virtuoso appearance in this play, acting in all seven roles, including the fastest on-stage fast change in all Kabuki. Also featuring Nakamura Kankurô as Oroku's fiance Kimon no Kihê.
  • Source: Earphone Guide website

    Kabuki Tour in the western provinces
    Dates 31 August ~ 25 September 2015

    Futatsu Chôchô Kuruwa Nikki (Hikimado)




    Living National Treasure Sakata Tôjûrô, Nakamura Ganjirô, Nakamura Senjaku, Ichikawa Sadanji, Ichikawa Omezô, Nakamura Kikaku, Nakamura Kazutarô, Nakamura Toranosuke, Nakamura Jûjirô


    Nakamura Ganjirô IV celebrates his shûmei touring in the western provinces!

  • Hikimado: originally written for the puppet theater, this play shows a tragedy of commoners caught between their duty and their feelings toward their loved ones. A sumô wrestler named Nuregami Chôgorô (Ichikawa Sadanji) has killed a man and takes refuge at the home of his mother. Unfortunately, her son (Nakamura Ganjirô) has been ordered to arrest him. All of these complicated conflicts are symbolized by the lightness and darkness created by the humble skylight (hikimado in Japanese) as a rope is pulled to move a wooden shutter. Featuring also Nakamura Kazutarô in the role of Ohaya.
  • Kôjô: the close relationship between the actors and the audience is shown by these stage announcements, lavish ceremonies to commemorate various important events. In this case, all the stars of the cast assemble to celebrate the shûmei of Nakamura Ganjirô IV. Living National Treasure Sakata Tôjûrô will take part in this important kôjô.
  • Renjishi: 2 entertainers dance a tale of the legendary shishi or lion-like spirits that live at the foot of a holy Buddhist mountain. There is a comic interlude with 2 Buddhist pilgrims. Then, the shishi themselves appear and perform their dance with wild shaking of their long manes. The dance shows a parent shishi forcing his cub to undergo harsh training in order to grow up strong. This theme is often associated with the training a parent actor gives his son. This performance features Nakamura Senjaku in the role of the parent shishi and his son Nakamura Toranosuke in the role of the cub.
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Classics Tour
    Dates 4 ~ 27 September 2015 (Koten he no Izanai)
    Invitation to the Classics


    Shôfudatsuki Kongen Kusazuri

    Ikari Tomomori

    Mimasu Kuruwa no Kasauri


    Ichikawa Ebizô, Kataoka Ichizô, Ichikawa Kudanji, Ôtani Hiromatsu, Ichikawa Shinzô, Ichikawa Shinjûrô


    The 4th "Invitation to the Classics" tour led by Ichikawa Ebizô in 14 cities. In "Kusazuribiki", Ichikawa Ebizô and Ichikawa Kudanji play the roles of Soga Gorô Tokimune and Maizuru. The third item in this program, "Ikari Tomomori", is a dance-drama based on the "Tokaiya"/"Daimotsu no Ura" scenes of "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura". Ichikawa Ebizô plays the role of the Heike warrior Taira no Tomomori, with Ichikawa Kudanji and Kataoka Ichizô in the roles of Minamoto no Yoshitsune and Musashibô Benkei. The last item in this program is a newly-created dance-drama entitled "Mimasu Kuruwa no Kasauri". It stars Ichikawa Ebizô in the role of an umbrella-seller, in reality the king of thieves Ishikawa Goemon. The opening talk ("Goaisatsu") is done by Ichikawa Ebizô.

    Yachiyoza (Yamaga)
    Dates 29 September ~ 4 October 2015 (JAPAN THEATER)


    Mimasu Kuruwa no Kasauri

    Kagutsuchi no Mai


    Ichikawa Ebizô, Kataoka Ichizô, Ichikawa Kudanji, Ôtani Hiromatsu


    A special JAPAN THEATER Kabuki program at the Yachiyoza, starring Ichikawa Ebizô.

    National Bunraku Theatre (Ôsaka)
    Dates 2 ~ 9 September 2015

    Bô Shibari

    Shibahama no Kawazaifu


    Fujikawa Yanosuke, Arashi Yoshisaburô, Yamazaki Tatsusaburô, Anegawa Shinnosuke


    A special Zenshinza Kabuki program in Ôsaka!

  • Bô Shibari:
    (Tied to a Pole)
    A dance play based on a classical Kyôgen farce. A master is irritated that his two servants always drink his wine while he is out. He plots with his servant Tarôkaja to trick the other servant Jirôkaja (Arashi Yoshisaburô) into demonstrating his skill at stick fighting, tying him to the stick. The master then ties up Tarôkaja as well. But he is outsmarted when the two still manage to drink his wine while tied up. Their happy singing and dancing while tied up is a dazzling display of virtuoso dancing and star two of the finest young dancers in Kabuki.
  • Shibahama no Kawazaifu: this is a play adapted from a rakugo story by San'yûtei Enchô which was originally performed in vaudeville by a solo performer. This tells the story of a man who is a drunk and good for nothing who picks up a leather purse full of coins while fishing. He takes it home and celebrates with a big drinking party. In the morning he asks his wife for the purse, but she insists that it was all a dream and shows how much money he has wasted with his drunken party. He decides to reform and becomes a hard worker. Three years later, the couple now lives comfortably and the wife says that she must apologize. She lied and hid the purse because she felt that this was the only way to get her husband on the right path. He thanks her and this purse which has given them so much. Starring Fujikawa Yanosuke as the man and Yamazaki Tatsusaburô as his wife.
  • Source: Earphone Guide website

    Chûnichi Theatre (Nagoya)
    Dates 26 ~ 28 September 2015

    Bô Shibari

    Shibahama no Kawazaifu


    Fujikawa Yanosuke, Arashi Yoshisaburô, Yamazaki Tatsusaburô, Anegawa Shinnosuke


    A special Zenshinza Kabuki program in Nagoya!

  • Bô Shibari:
    (Tied to a Pole)
    A dance play based on a classical Kyôgen farce. A master is irritated that his two servants always drink his wine while he is out. He plots with his servant Tarôkaja to trick the other servant Jirôkaja (Arashi Yoshisaburô) into demonstrating his skill at stick fighting, tying him to the stick. The master then ties up Tarôkaja as well. But he is outsmarted when the two still manage to drink his wine while tied up. Their happy singing and dancing while tied up is a dazzling display of virtuoso dancing and star two of the finest young dancers in Kabuki.
  • Shibahama no Kawazaifu: this is a play adapted from a rakugo story by San'yûtei Enchô which was originally performed in vaudeville by a solo performer. This tells the story of a man who is a drunk and good for nothing who picks up a leather purse full of coins while fishing. He takes it home and celebrates with a big drinking party. In the morning he asks his wife for the purse, but she insists that it was all a dream and shows how much money he has wasted with his drunken party. He decides to reform and becomes a hard worker. Three years later, the couple now lives comfortably and the wife says that she must apologize. She lied and hid the purse because she felt that this was the only way to get her husband on the right path. He thanks her and this purse which has given them so much. Starring Fujikawa Yanosuke as the man and Yamazaki Tatsusaburô as his wife.
  • Source: Earphone Guide website

    Kôfu Civic Center
    Dates 5 September 2015 (Kishô no Kai)

    Shôfudatsuki Kongen Kusazuri

    Tsuri Onna



    Ichikawa Kishô, Ichikawa Ukon


    1st edition of the Kishô no Kai (literally "Kishô's Association"), which stars Ichikawa Ennosuke's disciple Ichikawa Kishô, who celebrated his success at the nadai exam in January 2013 in Ôsaka at the Shôchikuza. The program is staged in Kôfu, the capital of Yamanashi prefecture, at the Arts Hall of the Kôfu Civic Center.

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