MAY 2024

4 shows in Tôkyô (Kabukiza, Theater MILANO-Za, Tôkyô Tatemono Brillia Hall), 1 in Nagoya (Misonoza) and 1 in Kyôto (Minamiza)!

  • Living National Treasure Onoe Kikugorô, Living National Treasure Nakamura Baigyoku, Living National Treasure Nakamura Karoku, Onoe Kikunosuke, Ichikawa Danjûrô, Nakamura Tokizô, Nakamura Jakuemon, Nakamura Ganjirô, Nakamura Kinnosuke, Onoe Shôroku, Bandô Hikosaburô, Nakamura Matagorô, Ichikawa Omezô, Ichikawa Udanji, Nakamura Kotarô, Ichikawa Danzô, Bandô Yajûrô, Bandô Minosuke, Onoe Matsuya and Onoe Ukon perform at the Kabukiza!
  • Nakamura Kankurô and Nakamura Shichinosuke perform at the Theater MILANO-Za!
  • Ichikawa Chûsha, Ichikawa Danko, Ichikawa Monnosuke, Nakamura Kazutarô and the Omodakaya guild perform at the Misonoza!
  • Young actors perform at the Minamiza!
  • Kabukiza (Tôkyô)
    Dates 2 ~ 26 May 2024
    Dankikusai Gogatsu Ôkabuki
    Dankikusai May Grand Kabuki

    Oshi no Fusuma Koi no Mutsugoto (Oshidori)


    Kiwametsuki Banzui Chôbê


    Meiboku Sendai Hagi

  • Goten
  • Yukashita
  • Shisen Ryô Koban no Ume-no-Ha


    Living National Treasure Onoe Kikugorô, Living National Treasure Nakamura Baigyoku, Living National Treasure Nakamura Karoku, Onoe Kikunosuke, Ichikawa Danjûrô, Nakamura Tokizô, Nakamura Jakuemon, Nakamura Ganjirô, Nakamura Kinnosuke, Onoe Shôroku, Bandô Hikosaburô, Nakamura Matagorô, Ichikawa Omezô, Ichikawa Udanji, Nakamura Kotarô, Ichikawa Danzô, Bandô Yajûrô, Bandô Minosuke, Onoe Matsuya, Onoe Ukon, Nakamura Baishi, Nakamura Yonekichi, Ichimura Manjirô, Kawarasaki Gonjûrô, Nakamura Mantarô, Ichikawa Otora


    The great yearly Dankiku festival is back at the Kabukiza! This important festival for the Naritaya and Otowaya guilds commemorates 2 great stars of the Meiji era: Dan = Ichikawa Danjûrô IX and Kiku = Onoe Kikugorô V.

  • Oshidori:
    (The Lovebirds)
    A rare performance of a dance showing two men fighting over a beautiful woman in the guise of a sumô match only to show that the woman and one of the men are actually the spirits of birds, conjugal birds that are an image of faithful love. Starring Onoe Matsuya, Onoe Ukon and Nakamura Mantarô.
  • Kenuki: in this play, which retains the light, festive atmosphere of early-period Kabuki, a princess has a mysterious ailment that makes her hair stand on end, an ailment that prevents her from carrying out her long-awaited marriage. Kumedera Danjô comes from the groom's household to investigate and finds a plot to take over the household when his tweezers float in mid-air. Ichikawa Omezô stars in a play that features the bombastic aragoto style of acting that is a specialty of his family. Featuring also Living National Treasure Onoe Kikugorô, Nakamura Tokizô, Nakamura Ganjirô, Onoe Shôroku, Nakamura Matagorô, Ichimura Manjirô, Onoe Matsuya and Nakamura Baishi.
  • Banzui Chôbê: in the early Edo period, gallant men like Banzuiin Chôbê led the commoners. But this incurred the wrath of members of the samurai class, who were theoretically in control. This play begins with a recreation of Kabuki in its earliest days, then a fight breaks out which is settled by Chôbê (Ichikawa Danjûrô). But this frustrates the ambitions of the samurai Mizuno (Onoe Kikunosuke) who invites Chôbê to visit. All of Chôbê's men tell him not to go because it is a trap, but Chôbê decides to meet his end and bids farewell to his wife (Nakamura Kotarô) and son. Finally, Chôbê is killed when he is defenseless in the bath. Featuring also Ichikawa Udanji, Nakamura Kinnosuke and Ichikawa Omezô.
  • Meiboku Sendai Hagi: this play is about the attempt to take over one of the most famous samurai households in the Edo period, the Date clan ruling Sendai, a scandal that caused a sensation in its day. After the death of the lord of the clan, his young heir is the target of villains. Masaoka (Onoe Kikunosuke), the boy's nurse is desperately afraid that he will be poisoned. She refuses to let anyone see him who might try to assassinate him and attempts to keep him safe in the women's quarters where men are forbidden. She even fixes his meal in her quarters using her delicate tea ceremony implements to cook rice. The plotting faction does not give up, though, and sends poison in the form of candy as a present from the Shôgun. Masaoka's son Senmatsu sacrifices his life for the young lord by eating the poisoned candy, and when he is killed by the evil Yashio (Living National Treasure Nakamura Karoku), Masaoka thinks only of protecting her lord. Her fierce devotion to duty convinces the plotters that she is on their side. Masaoka's actions help save the young lord, and only when she is alone can she grieve for her son. As another faithful retainer Otokonosuke (Ichikawa Danjûrô), stands guard underneath the room, the evil Nikki Danjô (Ichikawa Danjûrô) appears as a giant rat, but then slips away, walking calmly through the clouds. Featuring also Nakamura Jakuemon (Sakae Gozen) and Nakamura Yonekichi (Okinoi).
  • Shisen Ryô:
    (Four Thousand Gold Coins)
    In this play loosely based on a true incident, two men, Fujioka Tôjûrô (Living National Treasure Nakamura Baigyoku) and Yashû no Tomizô (Onoe Shôroku), the former a masterless samurai, the latter a seasoned thief, break into the treasury of the Shogunate and steal the immense sum of four thousand gold coins. Though the samurai tries to use the money to support a normal life by starting a loan business, the other wastes his money gambling and resorts to extorting money from his former partner. The enormity of their crime makes it impossible to keep it secret and they are soon caught. Written by Kawatake Mokuami, this play caused a sensation in its day for its realistic depiction of a Meiji period jail. Featuring also Living National Treasure Nakamura Karoku, Ichikawa Danzô, Bandô Hikosaburô, Bandô Minosuke, Nakamura Baishi, Bandô Yajûrô, Bandô Kamezô and Nakamura Mantarô.
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Theater MILANO-Za (Tôkyô)
    Dates 3 ~ 26 May 2024
    Kabukichô Ôkabuki
    Kabukichô Ôkabuki

    Shôfudatsuki Kongen Kusazuri


    Fuku Kanau Kami no Koibana


    Nakamura Kankurô, Nakamura Shichinosuke, Nakamura Toranosuke, Nakamura Tsurumatsu, Nakamura Kantarô, Nakamura Chôzaburô


    Grand Kabuki right in the heart of the Kabukichô entertainment district near Shinjuku Station! The Theater MILANO-Za is located within the Tôkyû Kabukichô Tower.

  • Kusazuri:
    (the Tug-of-War Over the Armor)
    A short dance in the oldest style of Kabuki, leisurely and full of humor, combining the charm of an onnagata female role specialist with the larger-than-life heroism of the bombastic aragoto style of acting. Kobayashi no Asahina stops the powerful, but rash, warrior Soga no Gorô from rushing to a fight by pulling on the set of armor he is carrying. Starring Nakamura Tsurumatsu and Nakamura Toranosuke as Kobayashi Maizuru and Gorô.
  • Ryûsei:
    (A Falling Star)
    In myth, the heavenly shepherd boy and celestial weaver maid only can meet once a year. They no longer are united than a falling star, or ryûsei appears with an urgent report, which actually turns out to be the story of marital discord in the family of the thunder god living in a poor tenement in heaven. The highlight of this dance is this story with the dancer changing instantly from role to role playing the thunder god, his angry wife, his little son and the elderly thunder goddess from next door who tries to break up the fight. Starring Nakamura Kankurô as a falling star, Nakamura Kantarô as the heavenly shepherd boy and Nakamura Chôzaburô as the celestial weaver maid.
  • Fuku Kanau Kami no Koibana: the carpenter Tatsugorô (Nakamura Toranosuke) who lives in a rear tenement in Edo (the old name for Tôkyô) is always drinking and does not go to work. One day, as he is taking an afternoon nap, Obin (Nakamura Shichinosuke), the goddess of poverty appears at his bedside and tells him in a lecture to work harder. She says this because she absorbs the power of humans working hard throughout their lives, turning it into nourishment. Worried that he will not be able to pay for the rent, she begins a side job. The hard working goddess of poverty gets along well with residents of the tenement house. Sukanpin (Nakamura Kankurô), an elder god of poverty, advises her not to commit herself further to human life, but she turns a deaf ear to his advice...
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Tôkyô Tatemono Brillia Hall (Tôkyô)
    Dates 11 ~ 20 May 2024
    Zenshinza Gogatsu Kôen
    Zenshinza May Performances

    Yuki Matsuri Gonin Sanbasô




    Kawarazaki Kunitarô, Fujikawa Yanosuke, Arashi Yoshisaburô


    The usual Zenshinza May program, not at the National Theatre (closed) but at the Tôkyô Tatemono Brillia Hall (Tôshima Arts and Culture Theatre)!

  • Gonin Sanbasô: this dance is a special five-actor auspicious dance based on the ritual play 'Okina' in the classical Theatre. Five sanbasô dance wildly in the spring snow, praying for national tranquility and a bountiful harvest of grain.
  • Narukami: one of the most popular and universally appealing plays in the Kabuki Jûhachiban collection of plays featuring the bombastic aragoto style of acting. The holy man Narukami (Arashi Yoshisaburô) is angry at the Imperial Court and has taken refuge in the mountains where he has imprisoned inside a waterfall the dragon that brings rain, bringing a severe drought to the country. Princess Taema (Kawarazaki Kunitarô) is sent by the Imperial Court to try to seduce Narukami, destroying his magical powers and release the rain. When he finds that he has been betrayed, anger transforms Narukami into a Thunder God.
  • Sources: Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Misonoza (Nagoya)
    Dates 6 ~ 19 May 2024

    Yamato Takeru


    Ichikawa Chûsha, Ichikawa Danko, Ichikawa Monnosuke, Nakamura Kazutarô, Ichikawa En'ya, Ichikawa Emisaburô, Ichikawa Emiya, Ichikawa Juen, Ichikawa Seiko, Nakamura Fukunosuke, Nakamura Utanosuke, Arashi Kitsusaburô, Kashima Noritoshi


    Revival of the famous Sûpâ Kabuki drama "Yamato Takeru", a classic of the Omodakaya guild, in Nagoya at the Misonoza. In the absence of Ichikawa Ennosuke, the eponymous role of Yamato Takeru is played by Ichikawa Ennosuke III's grandson Ichikawa Danko.

  • Yamato Takeru: One of twin brothers, Prince Ousu (Ichikawa Danko), attempts to admonish his brother, Prince Ôusu (Ichikawa Danko), who is plotting rebellion. However, in his attempt to restrain his brother, Prince Ousu accidentally takes his life. Unaware of the circumstances, their father, the Emperor (Ichikawa Chûsha), becomes enraged and orders Prince Ousu to embark on a campaign to subdue the Kumaso people who refuse to submit to Yamato. The wife of Prince Ôusu, Princess Etachibana (Nakamura Kazutarô), pursues Prince Ousu as her husband's avenger. However, as she discovers Osu’s pure and gentle heart, she begins to admire him and eventually develops feelings for him, despite their initial adversarial relationship. Having arrived in Kumaso, Prince Osu successfully defeats the Takeru brothers, the leaders of the Kumaso, and in recognition of his bravery, he is bestowed with the name "Yamato Takeru" by the Kumaso Takeru. Joyfully returning to Yamato, Takeru finds that the Emperor still has not forgiven him, and he is now tasked with a campaign to subdue the Ezo people. Accompanied by the Great Lord Takehiko (Nakamura Fukunosuke), the journey is fraught with difficulties. Takeru is commanded to defeat the mountain deity on Mount Ibuki. This his final expedition. Takeru is attacked by a giant white boar (the manifestation of the mountain deity). He kills the boar but is cursed by a female demon and falls ill. On his return trip, Takeru dies while lamenting his long separation from and his longing for his wife Princess Ototachibana (Nakamura Kazutarô).
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

    Minamiza (Kyôto)
    Dates 11 ~ 19 May 2024
    Kabuki Kanshô Kyôshitsu
    Kabuki Appreciation Class

    Kabuki he no Izanai

    Meisaku Hidari Kogatana (Kyô Ningyô)


    Kamimura Kichitarô, Kataoka Matsujûrô, Kataoka Senju, Ôka Noboru


    Young actors performing in Kyôto at the Minamiza.

  • Kabuki he no Izanai: literally 'Invitation to Kabuki'. A stage speech delivered by the actress Ôka Noboru.
  • Kyô Ningyô: this dance tells the story of the woodcarver Hidari Jingorô, famous for the sleeping cat on the great gate of Nikkô. He brings a statue of a beautiful courtesan to life and then there is a spectacular fight scene with a variety of carpenter’s tools. Starring Kataoka Matsujûrô as Jingorô and Kamimura Kichitarô as the doll of the courtesan.
  • Sources: Earphone Guide Website or Shôchiku Kabuki Official Website

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