1603 (Keichô 8)

Okuni and her troupe danced the first "Kabuki Odori" (eccentric dances) on the banks of the Kamo river in Kyôto, close to the famous Shijô avenue.

1607 (Keichô 12)

Okuni and her troupe performed at the Shôgun palace in Edo.

1610 (Keichô 15)

Lord Date Masamune invited an Onna Kabuki (Woman Kabuki) troupe to perform in his castle in Sendai.

1624 (Genna 10 / Kan'ei 1)

15th day of the 2nd lunar month [16]: Nakamura Kanzaburô I received a license from the authorities to open a theater in Edo.

1629 (Kan'ei 6)

Onna Kabuki (Woman Kabuki) performances were forbidden by the Shogunal authorities.

1634 (Kan'ei 11)

Foundation of the Murayamaza.

1641 (Kan'ei 18)

29th day of the 1st lunar month [18]: both the Murayamaza and the Nakamuraza were burnt in a big fire.

1642 (Kan'ei 19)

Foundation of the Yamamuraza.

1648 (Shôhô 5 / Keian 1)

The use of silk to make Kabuki costums was forbidden by the Shogunal authorities.

1652 (Keian 5 / Jôô 1)

6th day of the 3rd lunar month [10]: the zamoto Murayama Matasaburô I (1605~1652) died.

7th lunar month: Wakashû Kabuki (Boy Kabuki) performances were forbidden by the Shogunal authorities.

2nd day of the 8th lunar month: the zamoto Murata Kuroemon died.

1653 (Jôô 2 )

3rd lunar month: Yarô Kabuki ('Adult Kabuki') performances were authorized by the Shogunal authorities.

1657 (Meireki 3)

18th day of the 1st lunar month [17]: a fire broke out in the Honmyôji temple in the district of Hongô and devastated Edo. All the Kabuki theaters were destroyed by the flames. This fire was nicknamed 'Furisode Kaji' (the "long-sleeve fire").

1658 (Meireki 4 / Manji 1)

9th day of the 6th lunar month [15]: the actor and zamoto Nakamura Kanzaburô I (1598~1658) died.

1660 (Manji 3)

14th day of the 1st lunar month [22]: a fire broke out in the district of Yushima. It spread and burnt the Ichimuraza, the Nakamuraza and the newly-constructed Moritaza.

5th lunar month: opening of the rebuilt Moritaza.

1661 (Manji 4 / Kanbun 1)

27th day of the 1st lunar month: [23] a fire broke out in the residence of Kusakabe Gonzaemon in the district of Takajô-chô. It spread and burnt both the Ichimuraza and the Moritaza.

28th day of the 10th lunar month: both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza were burnt in a big fire.

1664 (Kanbun 4)

The shimabara kyôgen (dramas using the pleasures quarter of Shimabara as the scene of the play) were forbidden by the Shogunal authorities.

The first play divided into several acts of Kabuki history was performed in Ôsaka. The drama's title was "Hinin no Adauchi", narrating the tribulations of a young man who had to disguise himself as a beggar in order to look for the murderer of his father. The author of the drama was Fukui Yagozaemon.

1670 (Kanbun 10)

10th lunar month: the number of Kabuki theaters in the city of Edo was set to 4 by the authorities. The authorized theaters were the Nakamuraza (in the district of Sakai-chô), the Ichimuraza (Fukiya-chô), Moritaza (Kobiki-chô) and the Yamamuraza (Kobiki-chô).

1671 (Kanbun 11)

14th day of the 5th lunar month: the actor Tamagawa Sennojô II died.

1673 (Kanbun 13 / Enpô 1)

1673: Ichikawa Ebizô I played the role of Sakata Kintoki in the drama "Shitennô Ochigodachi", which was staged at the Nakamuraza. This was the first time in Kabuki history that an actor used a kumadori make-up, made up of black and red lines. The aragoto style originated from this performance, which was a triumphant success.

1674 (Enpô 2)

26th day of the 8th lunar month [7]: the zamoto Nakamura Kanzaburô II (1647~1674) died.

1676 (Enpô 4)

26th day of the 12th lunar month [20]: a fire broke out in the district of Hama-chô. It spread and burnt both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

1677 (Enpô 5)

25th day of the 6th month [24]: the zamoto Morita Tarobê I died.

1678 (Enpô 6)

7th day of the 1st lunar month [11]: the Shinmachi tayû Ôgiya Yûgiri died in Ôsaka.

11th day of the 8th lunar month [19]: the zamoto Nakamura Kanzaburô III (1649~1678) died.

1679 (Enpô 7)

25th day of the 2nd lunar month [9]: the zamoto Morita Kan'ya I died.

29th day of the 5th lunar month: a fire broke out in the puppets theater Ôsaka Shichidayûza in the district of Sakai-chô. It spread and burnt both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

1680 (Enpô 8)

3rd lunar month: the very first sayaate scene in Kabuki history was staged at the Ichimuraza [more details].

1682 (Tenna 2)

28th day of the 12th lunar month: a fire started by Yaoya Oshichi breaks out in the Daienji Temple in the district of Komagome. It spread and burnt both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza. This fire was nicknamed "Oshichi Kaji" (the "Oshichi fire").

1683 (Tenna 3)

17th day of the 5th lunar month: the courtesan Yamatoya Ichinojô and her lover Goze no Chôemon committed suicide together in Ôsaka. This event caused quite a stir and three Ôsaka theaters decided to capitalize on the situation by simultaneously producing the first shinjûmono of Kabuki history:

Nadai Ichinojô Chôemon
Arashi San'emon I Uemura Kichiya II Arashi San'emon I
Araki Yojibê I Yoshikawa Tamon I Nakagawa Kinnojô
Yamatoya Jinbê II Murakami Ichinojô Yamashita Hanzaemon I

16th day of the 12th lunar month: a fire broke out in the Nakamuraza in the district of Sakai-chô. It spread and burnt also the Ichimuraza.

1684 (Tenna 4 / Jôkyô 1)

3rd lunar month of 1684: the star Ichikawa Danjûrô I played for the first time the role of the wicked priest Narukami in the drama "Kadomatsu Shitennô", which was staged at Nakamuraza. He was the author of this first version of "Narukami" and his stage partner in the role of Princess Taema was the onnagata actor Itô Kodayû II.

1686 (Jôkyô 3)

24th day of the 7th lunar month [4]: the zamoto Ichimura Uzaemon III (1628~1686) died.

24th day of the 11th lunar month [2]: the puppet zamoto Ichimura Takenojô II (1680~1686) died.

1687 (Jôkyô 4)

1st lunar month: publication of "Yarô Tachiyaku Butai Ôkagami".

21st day of the 9th lunar month [13]: the actor Itô Kodayû I (1649~1687) died.

1689 (Genroku 2)

The zamoto Araki Yojibê I produced in Ôsaka the drama "Keisei Sayo no Nakayama"; the leading role of the courtesan was played by Tanishima Mondo. It included the first dance in Kabuki history related to the famous mugen no kane theme.

The actor Itô Kodayû II died.

1690 (Genroku 3)

22nd day of the 7th lunar month [21]: the zamoto Kawarasaki Gonnosuke I (1596~1690) died.

18th day of the 10th lunar month [5]: the Kamigata star Arashi San'emon I (1635~1690) died.

1691 (Genroku 4)

8th day of the 8th lunar month [3]: the actor and zamoto Ichimura Uzaemon V (1654~1691) died.

1692 (Genroku 5)

The actor Nakayama Kiyonosuke died.

1693 (Genroku 6)

1st lunar month: publication of the illustrated book "Kokon Shibai Irokurabe Hyakunin Isshu".

3rd lunar month: the first drama written by the playwright Chikamatsu Monzaemon for the star Sakata Tôjûrô I was performed in Kyôtô at Miyako Mandayû's theater. The play's title was "Butsumo Mayasan Kaichô" and the others actors in the casting were Yamashita Hanzaemon I, Yoshizawa Ayame, Kirinami Senju I, Kaneko Kichizaemon and Iwai Heijirô.

1694 (Genroku 7)

Spring : the star Ichikawa Danjûrô I played for the first time in Kyôto the role of the wicked priest Narukami. The drama's title was "Narukami Yûjoron" and it was staged at the Minamigawa no Shibai. The role of Princess Taema was played by Mizuki Tatsunosuke I.

13th day of the 10th lunar month [6]: the actor Hanai Saizaburô I died.

1695 (Genroku 8)

7th lunar month: the actor Nanboku Sabu I died.

7th day of the 12th lunar month: Akaneya Hanshichi (son of a sake merchant) and his lover Sankatsu committed suicide together in Ôsaka. This event caused quite a stir and was immediately adapted for Kabuki by the zamoto Iwai Hanshirô I, under the title "Akane no Iroba". The roles of Sankatsu and Hanshichi were played by Hanai Azuma and Sugiyama Kanzaemon I. This was a long run (150 days)

26th day of the 12th lunar month [12]: a fire broke out in the district of Sukiyabashi. It spread and burnt both the Moritaza and the Yamamuraza.

1696 (Genroku 9)

11 lunar month: premiere at the at the Nakamuraza of the first kakikae kyôgen of Kabuki History, based on "Narukami", with a female Narukami instead of a male Narukami; it was entitled "Neko no Koneko" [more details].

1697 (Genroku 10)

1st lunar month: premiere of the bombastic "Shibaraku" scene (Kabuki Jûhachiban), at the Nakamuraza, performed within the drama "Daifukuchô Sankai Nagoya". Ichikawa Danjûrô I played the superhero role and his stage partners were Ogino Sawanojô and Yamanaka Heikurô I.

1698 (Genroku 11)

1st lunar month: Premiere at Hayagumo Chôdayû's theater of the drama "Keisei Asama-ga-Dake", which was produced by Yamashita Hanzaemon I [casting]. This long run play was about the apparition of a courtesan's ghost to her unfaithful lover and became both a milestone in Kabuki history and a classic theme.

21st day of the 4th lunar month: the actor and zamoto Ichimura Takenojô III (1681~1698) died.

10th day of the 12th lunar month [25]: a fire broke out in the district of Nihonbashi Hongoku-chô. It spread and burnt both the Ichimuraza and the Nakamuraza.

1699 (Genroku 12)

1st lunar month: Premiere at Miyako Mandayû's theater of Chikamatsu Monzaemon's drama "Keisei Hotoke no Hara", which was produced by Sakata Tôjûrô I [casting].

3rd day of the 4th lunar month [14]: the actor and zamoto Iwai Hanshirô I (1652~1699) died.

1700 (Genroku 13)

10th day of the 4th lunar month [8]: the actor and zamoto Bandô Matakurô I (1632~1700) died.

16th day of the 12th lunar month [1]: the actor Araki Yojibê I (1637~1700) died.


[1] The 16th day of the 12th lunar month of the 13th year of the Genroku era was the 24th of January 1701 in the western calendar.

[2] The 24th day of the 11th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Jôkyô era was the 7th of January 1787 in the western calendar.

[3] The 8th day of the 8th lunar month of the 4th year of the Genroku era was the 31st of August 1691 in the western calendar.

[4] The 24th day of the 7th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Jôkyô era was the 11th of September 1686 in the western calendar.

[5] The 18th day of the 10th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Genroku era was the 18th of November 1690 in the western calendar.

[6] The 13th day of the 10th lunar month of the 7th year of the Genroku era was the 29th of November 1694 in the western calendar.

[7] The 26th day of the 8th lunar month of the 2nd year of the Enpô era was the 25th of September 1674 in the western calendar.

[8] The 10th day of the 4th lunar month of the 13th year of the Genroku era was the 28th of May 1700 in the western calendar.

[9] The 25th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 7th year of the Enpô era was the 5th of April 1679 in the western calendar.

[10] The 6th day of the 3rd lunar month of the 5th year of the Keian era was the 14th of April 1652 in the western calendar.

[11] The 7th day of the 1st lunar month of the 6th year of the Enpô era was the 27th of February 1678 in the western calendar.

[12] The 26th day of the 12th lunar month of the 8th year of the Genroku era was the 30th of January 1696 in the western calendar.

[13] The 21st day of the 9th lunar month of the 4th year of the Jôkyô era was the 26th of October 1687 in the western calendar.

[14] The 3rd day of the 4th lunar month of the 12th year of the Genroku era was the 2nd of May 1699 in the western calendar.

[15] The 9th day of the 6th lunar month of the 4th year of the Meireki era was the 9th of July 1658 in the western calendar.

[16] The 15th day of the 2nd lunar month of the 10th year of the Genna era was the 2nd of April 1624 in the western calendar.

[17] The 18th day of the 1st lunar month of the 3rd year of the Meireki era was the 2nd of March 1657 in the western calendar.

[18] The 29th day of the 1st lunar month of the 18th year of the Kan'ei era was the 16th of July 1641 in the western calendar.

[19] The 11th day of the 8th lunar month of the 6th year of the Enpô era was the 26th of September 1678 in the western calendar.

[20] The 26th day of the 12th lunar month of the 4th year of the Enpô era was the 29th of January 1677 in the western calendar.

[21] The 22nd day of the 7th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Genroku era was the 26th of August 1690 in the western calendar.

[22] The 14th day of the 1st lunar month of the 3rd year of the Manji era was the 24th of February 1660 in the western calendar.

[23] The 27th day of the 1st lunar month of the 4th year of the Manji era was the 26th of February 1661 in the western calendar.

[24] The 25th day of the 6th lunar month of the 5th year of the Enpô era was the 24th of July 1677 in the western calendar.

[25] The 10th day of the 12th lunar month of the 11th year of the Genroku era was the 10th of January 1699 in the western calendar.

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