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Line number: NIDAIME (II) Existence: ??? Connection: Son: Yoshida Manshirô Career: 2nd lunar month of 1716: first record; he performed as a dôkegata named Kikuyama Jûgorô in the kaomise drama "Chôja Mannengura", which was produced in Ôsaka by Sugiyama Heihachi and Nakamura Gentarô. 2nd lunar month of 1717: he became tachiyaku, received the name of Yoshida Jûrobê II and performed in Ôsaka in the ni-no-kawari drama "Washû Kumedera Kaichô". 11th lunar month of 1717: Jûrobê switched back to dôkegata and performed in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai in the kaomise drama "Benten Chôja Uga no Tama", which was produced by Ogino Kinnojô. 11th lunar month of 1718: Jûrobê played at the Ônishi no Shibai the role of Tamatsukuri Umeemon in the kaomise drama "Suehiro Chôja Bandaigura", which was produced by Sawamura Chôjûrô I and celebrated the shûmei of Sugiyama Kanzaemon III. Fall 1719: Jûrobê settled in Kyôto. 11th lunar month of 1719: Jûrobê played the role of the cook Katada Rakusuke in the kaomise drama "Chiyo no Ume Naniwa Kagami", which was produced in Kyôto by Sakakiyama Shirojûrô. 11th lunar month of 1720: Jûrobê became jitsuaku and performed in Kyôto in the kaomise drama "Jûni Chôshi Megumi no Kodakara", which was produced by Sakakiyama Shirojûrô. 11th lunar month of 1721: Jûrobê performed in Kyôto in the kaomise drama "Yamato Uta Denju no Tomikura". From around that time, he also worked as a sakusha. 11th lunar month of 1722: Jûrobê worked in Kyôto both as a sakusha and a dôkegata at Hoteiya Umenojô's theater on the kaomise drama "Aioi Ôshimadai", which was produced by Ogino Yaegiri I and welcomed in Kyôto the actor Kirinoya Gonjûrô I. 11th lunar month of 1723: Jûrobê performed as a dôkegata in Kyôto in the kaomise drama "Tatsu Goyomi Daishô Wagô no Tsurugi". 11th lunar month of 1724: Jûrobê played in Kyôto the role of the yakko Mokuhei in the kaomise drama "Ôjigawa Kogane no Mizuguruma", which was produced at Miyako Mandayû's theater by Segawa Kikunojô I, welcomed in Kyôto the Edo actor Ôtani Hiroji I and celebrated the shûmei of Ichiyama Hankurô. Fall 1726: Jûrobê went to Edo. 11th lunar month of 1726: he took the name of Yoshiya Jûrobê and performed as a dôkegata at the Nakamuraza in the kaomise drama "Kaomise Jûnidan". 1st lunar month of 1727: Jûrobê's rank in the Edo hyôbanki, dôkegata section, was jô-jô-(hanshiro)kichi (superior - superior - (half-white) excellent) [visual]. Summer 1728: he went back to Kyôto and took back the name of Yoshida Jûrobê II. 11th lunar month of 1728: Jûrobê worked as a sakusha and performed as a dôkegata in Kyôto in the kaomise drama "Mandai Toshigoyomi", which was produced by Kikukawa Kichitarô. 1st lunar month of 1729: Jûrobê's rank in the Kyôto hyôbanki, dôkegata section, was jô-jô-(shiro)kichi (superior - superior - (white) excellent) [visual]. Fall 1730: Jûrobê settled in Ôsaka. 11th lunar month of 1730: Jûrobê performed at the Naka no Shibai in the kaomise drama "Meotogura Wagô no Nakatomi", which was produced by Iwai Hanshirô III; his stage partners were Nakayama Shinkurô I, Anegawa Shinshirô I, Arashi Sanjûrô II, Kirinoya Gonjûrô I, Sakurayama Shirosaburô I, Yamashita Kinsaku I, Izumikawa Sennosuke, Sanogawa Hanazuma I and Hanagiri Toyomatsu I. 1st lunar month of 1731: Jûrobê's rank in the Ôsaka hyôbanki, dôkegata section, was jô-jô-(shiro)kichi (superior - superior - (white) excellent) [visual]. 11th lunar month of 1731: Jûrobê played at the Kado no Shibai the role of Iwashiro Kunai in the kaomise drama "Aioi Kikenjô", which was produced by Arashi Kokuseki. 11th lunar month of 1732: Jûrobê played in Ôsaka at the Kita no Shinchi Shibai [1] the role of Murakami Sôtarô in the kaomise drama "Hana Yakata Imose no Matsukane", which was produced by Yamamoto Kyôzô. 1st lunar month of 1733: Jûrobê's rank in the Ôsaka hyôbanki, dôkegata section, was jô-jô-kichi (superior - superior - excellent) [visual]. 11th lunar month of 1733: Jûrobê performed at the Naka no Shibai in the kaomise drama "Genji Rokujûjô" [2]. 1st lunar month of 1734: Jûrobê's rank in the Ôsaka hyôbanki, dôkegata section, fell to jô-jô-(shiro)kichi (superior - superior - (white) excellent) [visual]. 1734 ~ 1735: Jûrobê performed in tabi shibai in Nagoya and the province of Owari. He worked both as a sakusha and a dôkegata. 11th lunar month of 1735: Jûrobê was back in Ôsaka; he performed at the Ônishi no Shibai in the kaomise drama "Momijigari Nishiki no Yomeiri", which was produced by Nakamura Jûzô I. 1st lunar month of 1736: Jûrobê's rank in the Ôsaka hyôbanki, dôkegata section, fell to jô-jô-(shiro)hankichi (superior - superior - (white) half excellent) [visual]. 1736: as a sakusha, he took the pen name of Yoshida Rôfu. 11th lunar month of 1736: Rôfu worked at the Naka no Shibai, along with Sawamura Bunji, on the kaomise drama "Furômon Kon no Shikigawara", which starred Nakayama Shinkurô I (the zamoto), Arashi San'emon III, Arashi Sanjûrô II, Yamashita Matatarô I, Nakamura Jûzô I, Fujikawa Heikurô and Sanogawa Hanazuma I. 1st lunar month of 1736: Jûrobê's rank in the Ôsaka hyôbanki, dôkegata section, was jô-jô-(shiro)kichi (superior - superior - (white) excellent) [visual]. 5th lunar month of 1737: Rôfu worked in the the same theater on the drama "Kume Sennin Sodefuruyama". 11th lunar month of 1737: Jûrobê played at the Kado no Shibai the role of Hase Tanji in the kaomise drama "Iwatogura Kogane Masugata". 4th lunar month of 1738: Jûrobê played in the same theater the role of Shôji Saemon in the drama "Hinatsuru Nigiwai Soga". No record afterwards. Comments: Yoshida Jûrobê II was a popular dôkegata actor, who was active mainly in Kamigata from the second half of the 1710s to the second half of the 1730s. He was jô-jô-kichi, a prestigious ranking, only for one season (1732~1733). He was also a sakusha. [1] Also called Sakurabashi Ôshibai (literally 'Grand Kabuki at the Cherry Tree Bridge'). [2] Yoshida Jûrobê II's son Yoshida Manshirô became wakashugata for this new 1733~1734 season. |
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Yoshida Jûrobê II playing the role of Hase Tanji in the kaomise drama "Iwatogura Kogane Masugata", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1737 at the Kado no Shibai The Yoshida Jûrobê line of actors |
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