31 December 2009

2009 in figures:

  • 520 actors pages
  • 300 summaries
  • 1072 entries in the Kabuki plays list
  • 230 actors lines
  • I would like to thank very much all the people who helped me building this site. Happy new year to all!

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Hayakawa Hatsuse.

    PLAYS: "Nidanme" and "Yoi Yakko".


    Actor Print master
    Hayakawa Hatsuse Okumura Toshinobu

    KAOMISE: Ôsaka 1772 (Naka no Shibai).

    PROGRAMS: March 2010 (National Theatre, Nissay Theatre ).

    OTHERS: 1 new link; 4 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; hikimaku, jôshikimaku, omote, omotekata and ura are added to the glossary.

    20 December 2009

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Arashi Sanjûrô II.

    PLAYS: "Amakawaya Gihei Uchi" and "Kanzaki Ageya".


    Actor Print master
    Ichikawa Shinnosuke I Katsukawa Shun'ei 1794

    STROLLING AROUND: Chûtarô Jizô.

    PROGRAMS: January 2010 (details for the National Theatre, Kabukiza and Asakusa Kôkaidô programs) and February 2010 (Kabukiza).

    OTHERS: 2 new links; 2 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; nakasendô is added to the glossary; the actor Arashi Sanjûrô I is referenced as Yagi Niemon in our database.

    12 December 2009

    PLAYS: "Godairiki" and "Shihei no Nana Warai".

    PLAYWRIGHTS: Namiki Gohei I.


    Actor Print master
    Kataoka Nizaemon VII
    Sawamura Sôjûrô III
    Segawa Kikunojô III
    Utagawa Toyokuni 1857

    PROGRAMS: January 2010 (details for the Minamiza programs) and February 2010 (Hakataza, Minamiza).

    OTHERS: 1 new link; 4 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; oman-gengobeimono, sakusha, sentô gosho, toneri and yuna are added to the glossary.

    24 November 2009

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Bandô Matajûrô I.

    PLAYS: "Kawagoe Jôshi", "Kiichi Hôgen Sanryaku no Maki", "Ôtsue Dôjôji" and "Yoritomo no Shi".


    Actor Print master
    Ichikawa Danzô V Shunshosai Hokuchô 1828
    Nakamura Utaemon III Shunshosai Hokuchô 1828

    DERIVATIVES: Kabuki Zippos.

    PROGRAMS: December 2009 (details for the Kabukiza and National Theatre programs) and January 2010 (Kabukiza, Asakusa Kôkaidô, Minamiza, details for the Shinbashi Enbujô programs).

    OTHERS: 8 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; imadegawa is added to the glossary.

    31 October 2009

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Imamura Motojûrô.

    PLAYS: "Jiraiya", "Murai Chôan" and "Shin Sarayashiki Tsuki no Amagasa".

    PLAYWRIGHTS: Kawatake Mokuami.


    Actor Print master
    Arashi Bungorô I Suifutei 1782
    Ichikawa Kodanji IV Utagawa Yoshiiku 1862
    Ichikawa Sôzaburô IV
    Iwai Hanshirô V
    Utagawa Toyokuni 1810

    ACTORS LINES: Arashi Wasaburô, Fujikawa Hanzaburô, Ichikawa Sôzaburô, Imamura Shichisaburô, Iwai Matsunosuke, Jitsukawa Entarô, Kataoka Hidetarô, Matsumoto Tomojûrô, Nakamura Kiyosaburô and Sawamura Tosshi.

    DERIVATIVES: "Kabuki Tie Pin" and "Hotel Kabuki".

    PROGRAMS: November 2009 (details for the National Theatre, Shinbashi Enbujô and Shôchiku Grand Kabuki Tour programs), December 2009 (Kabukiza, details for the Minamiza programs) and January 2010 (Shôchikuza, National Theatre, Shinbashi Enbujô).

    OTHERS: 11 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; jiraiyamono, kanzen chôaku, kusazôshi, nihon zutsumi, ôtsue and sansukumi are added to the glossary.

    30 September 2009

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Narumi Goroshirô I.

    PLAYS: "Hyôtandana" and "Suma no Ura".


    Actor Print master
    Ichikawa Danjûrô II
    Ogawa Zengorô I
    Yamashita Kinsaku I
    Torii Kiyomasu 1723~1727

    ACTORS LINES: Arashi Tokusaburô, Bandô Kamezô, Ichikawa Danko, Ichimura Kamezô, Kataoka Kamezô, Nakamura Hashinosuke, Narumi Goroshirô, Ôtani Ryûzaemon and Sawamura Yoshijirô.

    DERIVATIVES: The Tomomori-Tadanobu Shirt.

    PROGRAMS: October 2009 (details for the Kabukiza programs, Zenshinza Tour, Kabukiza), November 2009 (Kabukiza, NHK Hall) and December 2009 (Minamiza, National Theatre).

    OTHERS: 6 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; ogurusu and tabi shibai are added to the glossary.

    09 September 2009

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Nakamura Shirogorô I.

    PLAYS: "Sugisaka".


    Actor Print master
    Arashi Hinasuke II
    Iwai Kumesaburô I
    Utagawa Toyokuni 1800

    PROGRAMS: October 2009 (details for the Misonoza and National Theatre programs, Kinshû Tokubetsu Kôen) and November 2009 (Shinbashi Enbujô).

    OTHERS: 3 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; hakasho and tsugaru jamisen are added to the glossary.

    31 August 2009

    ACTORS: biographies of the actors Sawamura Gennosuke III and Sawamura Gennosuke V.

    PLAYS: "Soga Monogatari".


    Actor Print master
    Bandô Kichiya I
    Nakayama Bungorô II
    Utagawa Toyokuni 1851

    ACTORS LINES: Arashi Kanjûrô, Bandô Kichiya, Ichikawa Raizô, Jitsukawa Yaozô, Matsumoto Yonesaburô, Nakamura Tamashichi, Onoe Ukon and Sawamura Gennosuke.

    PROGRAMS: September 2009 (details for the Kabukiza and Heisei Nakamuraza programs, Kanazawajô Kabuki), October 2009 (Kabukiza) and November 2009 (National Theatre, Shôchiku Grand Kabuki Tour, Yachiyoza).

    OTHERS: 8 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; betsumei is added to the glossary.

    31 July 2009

    ACTORS: biographies of the actors Tamagawa Sennojô III and Tamagawa Sennojô IV.

    PLAYS: "Tajima-chô" and "Yane Ue".


    Actor Print master
    Bandô Hikosaburô III
    Kataoka Nizaemon VII
    Utagawa Toyokuni 1796

    ACTORS LINES: Bandô Sanpachi, Ichikawa Otora, Ichimura Manjirô, Nakamura Tsuruzô, Onoe Usaburô, Segawa Kichiji and Tamagawa Sennojô.

    PROGRAMS: August 2009 (details for the Kabukiza programs, Minamiza, Shinbashi Enbujô, Kamejirô no Kai), September 2009 (Kabukiza) and October 2009 (Misonoza, National Theatre, Hakataza).

    OTHERS: 1 new link; 10 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; a new page dedicated to the play titles with one strange ideogram.

    30 June 2009

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Segawa Tomisaburô II.

    PLAYS: "Genji Monogatari".

    CONTEMPORARY ACTORS: Ichikawa Otora VII and Nakamura Kotarô VI.


    Actor Print master
    Ichikawa Ebijûrô II Utagawa Kunihiro 1829
    Jitsukawa Enzaburô II Nakai Yoshitaki 1871
    Segawa Tomisaburô II Tôshûsai Sharaku 1794

    ACTORS LINES: Bandô Hikojûrô, Ichikawa Danshirô, Iwai Kiyotarô, Jitsukawa Enzaburô, Nakamura Tsurusuke and Segawa Tomisaburô.

    THE GUILDS: Takinoya.

    PROGRAMS: July 2009 (details for the Kabukiza and Theatre Cocoon programs), August 2009 (Kabukiza, National Theatre) and September 2009 (Heisei Nakamuraza, Tour in the western provinces).

    OTHERS: 4 new links; 1 new entry in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list.

    31 May 2009

    ACTORS: biographies of the actors Asao Kunigorô III and Nakayama Bungorô II.

    PLAYS: "Imose no Kadomatsu" and "Ubara no Sato".

    CONTEMPORARY ACTORS: Kataoka Sennosuke and Matsumoto Kintarô IV.


    Actor Print master
    Asao Kunigorô III
    Kiriyama Monji III
    Shunkôsai Hokushû 1822
    Nakayama Bungorô II Utagawa Toyokuni 1851

    ACTORS LINES: Asao Kunigorô, Bandô Kunigorô, Nakamura Shingorô, Nakayama Bungorô and Sakata Hangorô.

    SOGAMONO: Moritaza 1755.

    PROGRAMS: June 2009 (Shôchikuza (Ebizô), Wahha Kamigata Engei Hall, details for the Kabukiza, National Theatre and Shinbashi Enbujô programs), July 2009 (Kabukiza, Rihga Royal Hotel) and August 2009 (Eirakukan, National Theatre, National Bunraku Theatre).

    OTHERS: 1 new entry in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; daimon, hakama, kôseki, kura, nagabakama, shichiya, suô and tanzaku are added to the glossary; a new illustrations/pages for the play "Jinmon/Kumiuchi"; more details on the March 2009 Kabuki tour in London; a new page about Matsumoto Kôshirô's blazons; a new page about the Kôraiya guild blazons.

    24 April 2009

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Akita Hikoshirô I.

    PLAYS: "Osome no Nanayaku" and "Sanza Rôtaku".

    PLAYWRIGHTS: Tsuruya Nanboku IV.


    Actor Print master
    Ichikawa Danzô III
    Sawamura Sôjûrô II
    Katsukawa Shunshô 1769

    ACTORS LINES: Bandô Shinsha, Bandô Tsurunosuke, Ogino Izaburô and Ogino Yaegiri.

    KAOMISE: Kyôto 1766 (Kitagawa no Shibai).

    SOGAMONO: Ichimuraza 1721.

    PROGRAMS: May 2009 (National Theatre, details for the Kabukiza and Shinbashi Enbujô programs), June 2009 (Kabukiza, Shinbashi Enbujô) and July 2009 (Theatre Cocoon, Shôchikuza, Tour in the eastern provinces, Tour in the central provinces, National Theatre).

    OTHERS: 3 new links; 8 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; dozô, fuwa-nagoyamono, iroaku, rôtaku and zashiki are added to the glossary; a new illustration of the actor Sawamura Sôjûrô III; a new illustration of the actor Segawa Senjo; a new illustration of the actor Nakamura Nakazô I; a new illustration of the actor Arashi Hinasuke II; the Kaomise pages are reformatted; a new section dedicated to the Edo Sogamono.

    31 March 2009

    ACTORS: biographies of the actors Mihogi Gizaemon I and Mihogi Gizaemon II.

    PLAYS: "Heikegani", "Minowa no Shinjû" and "Onoe Idahachi".

    PLAYWRIGHTS: Okamoto Kidô.


    Actor Print master
    Mihogi Gizaemon II Suifutei 1782

    ACTORS LINES: Mihogi Gizaemon.

    PROGRAMS: April 2009 (details for the Kanamaruza programs, Shunjûza), May 2009 (Kabukiza, Chûnichi Theatre) and June 2009 (Hakataza, National Theatre, Shôchikuza).

    OTHERS: 12 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; dan-no-ura no tatakai, genji, heike, heikegani, tanuki, yashima no tatakai and yôkai are added to the glossary; Nakamura Utaemon IV's 4 faces; Prints & Illustrations for the drama "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura"; some work on the Naniwaza page.

    28 February 2009

    ACTORS: biographies of the actors Azuma Tôzô II and Takeshima Kôzaemon II.

    PLAYS: "Nanbuzaka no Yuki Wakare" and "Otsuta Goroshi".


    Actor Print master
    Azuma Ichinojô I Utagawa Toyokuni 1857
    Azuma Tôzô II
    Sanogawa Ichimatsu I
    Okumura Masanobu

    ACTORS LINES: Azuma Ichinojô, Azuma Tôzô and Takeshima Kôzaemon.

    KABUKI ART: Nakamura Tokizô (Edo dolls series 7).

    DERIVATIVES: Brutus 468.


    PROGRAMS: March 2009 (details for the Kabukiza and National Theatre programs), April 2009 (Kabukiza, Misonoza, Minamiza) and May 2009 (Shinbashi Enbujô, Minamiza, Kabukiza).

    OTHERS: 5 new links; 15 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; azuma-ryû, godairikimono, sarayashiki and sengakuji are added to the glossary; the pages on the Ichikawa Yaozô and Nakamura Tomijûrô lines of actors are refurbished a little bit.

    31 January 2009

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Nakayama Yoshio I.

    PLAYS: "Nebiki no Kadomatsu" and "Shusse Kagekiyo".

    PLAYWRIGHTS: Chikamatsu Monzaemon.


    Actor Print master
    Nakayama Yoshio I Shunkôsai Hokushû 1816
    Nakayama Yoshio III Hasegawa Sadanobu 1841

    ACTORS LINES: Nakayama Ittoku and Nakayama Yoshio.

    THEATERS: Shôchikuza.

    KABUKI ART: Manga.

    DERIVATIVES: Tôkyû Train.

    PROGRAMS: February 2009 (details for the Kabukiza and Shôchikuza programs), March 2009 (Kabukiza) and April 2009 (Kanamaruza).

    OTHERS: 1 new reference in the bibliography; 5 new links; 4 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; azuma-yojibêmono, daigûji, kiyomizudera, kojôjûri, sendai jôruri, shôchiku and ujiza are added to the glossary; a new picture to illustrate the Minamiza's page; the actors global table is reformatted; details for the January 1982 and January 2009 revivals of "Zôhiki".

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